very nice, although i would like to see either a textured all or textureless version, somehow the monkeys really stand out w/out the texture, like it was pasted
Artist Comment
lildevil: Submitttt it!
Bern: but-but, I dun wannnnna D8
lildevil: I'll give you cookies. Chocolate chip cookies! O:
Bern: ;-; M-my weakness... ok ok fine. D:
Yay generic title. Ongaku = Music
Yeah, so the monkeys in Okami are great. Decided to wall them together. Anyways, since I've always failed horribly at extracting scans I tried it again this one time, using my tablet instead. Wow, it was so much easier doing it with my tablet... It was a lot of fun, I must say.
I extracted the monkeys and the clouds, since the scans were fairly clean already, redrew in some of the clouds that were cutoff. I used some ancient looking Japanese paintings for those mountains in the background (found using Google) so it would fit properly with the theme. I tried to put in a temple, but scratched that idea because it didn't look that great to me, so, hey mountains! next best thing! I Slapped in some Japanese symbols for epic awesomness, put in an old paper texture and screwed around with image adjustments and hue and saturation, brightness/contrast for a while and ta-da! \o/
Dedicated to my friends lildevil8200, and LenasLover: Lildevil for being so awesumz at painting in PS with a mouse! D8 You're on your way, girl, and I hope you get better soon! And LenasLover for being Teh Ownage Mastah and a proud supporter of our act against stupidly stupid people!
This is to both of you for being great, supportive friends when I need them. < 3
As usual: Comments critique & favs always appreciated.
Berni out. o/
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lovelylayla Sep 27, 2008
MoonFangs90 Sep 27, 2008
copy paste ap :D
well lildevil was right :D
this is really well done wallpaper. excellent extraction(i want tablet too p(T_T)q)
great :D and faves -
YoruAngel866 Sep 27, 2008
well you already know we share the same account on AP*Moon and me* so the same comment as hers :D
lovelylayla Oct 01, 2008
i didn't notice the texture was also applied to the monkeys!
i'm blind, sorry! -
Alcyndore Oct 09, 2008
I love this image for its originallity. You worked a lot with the texture. It's a great wall to have !
Congratulations and thank you for sharing! You are definitely a fav! :-) -
Rue-chan Dec 08, 2008
absolutely amazing! Love the painted-ness you achieved! :)
Nubes Aug 10, 2009
what are these? clowns?
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