
Vampire Knight Wallpaper: Yours To Hold

Matsuri Hino, Vampire Knight, Yuuki Cross, Kaname Kuran Wallpaper
Matsuri Hino Mangaka Vampire Knight Series Yuuki Cross Character Kaname Kuran Character

1680x1050 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Here you are Vk Freaks :D... Second time uploaded ^_^'...Hope that many of you will see this wall now...I deleted it because only few people could see it and i was waiting for MT to stabilize again...While it was deleted I have time to repair some mistakes that i haven't noticed...
I made Yuuki's lips a little pink and Kanames little darker(and Sakura-chan he is so funny and cute with pink lips :D )
I added some clouds on the moon and AGAIN LOST PSD SO I HAD TO VECTOR THAT STUPID CURTAIN AGAIN! And I tried with lighter moon and it was totally messy and terrible, believe me...i wanted to throw up...:sweat:
Now...:nya: here you are description about this wall and enjoy watching this beautiful image.. :D
Ok, first of all I want to dedicate this to my dear friend sinever who is absolutely vk freak:D Dear Sin-chan I would like that this was Zero instead of Kaname....But what can I do...It's lovely this way too.
Anyway this work of mine is one of my best if you ask me.It had 130 layers(something is happening with me lately, I have to much layers for my works..lol)
About hair.. she is blurred..why? it makes her look soft, neat and makes all ambient just perfect that way.
Besides these lines where killing meeeeeeeeeeeeee....dunno how i survived and believe mi it is much much much much much better when they are blurred...
Her eyes...I mean eye is beautiful if you ask me, I wanted it to be red as they was on the ending and like this it seams like she is completely awaken and Kaname who wanted that(well I'm not sure-haven't read manga that far ^_^') don't won't to run...it completely matches with song "Yours to hold" from Skillet and I absolutely like it.
I'm also very very much proud on doing necklace and her something(don't know how to spell T__T)under her dress upon her hand...you see? I really like it..really really beautiful.
Now skin was story for itself.. It was really hard to make it look that way.. i spend hours making it look perfect and I was pulling out my hair and now I'm bold....lol
I added moon(and blurred it little to make it not be to much realistic) under that curtain and it makes perfect vampire ambient. I really like it :D
Anyway I really like the wallpaper and it seams very beautiful to me and that would be it..
And this wall is my entry for Vampire-Knight contest...
vampire-knight vector-wallers vectory colorfull-wallies dream-wallies free--wallers timeless--rain depths-of-sound cafe-tb

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  1. Sinever Aug 25, 2008

    finally we get to see your beautiful VK wall XD
    yeah I would love to see zero in kaname's place but I love all VK pics so thanks a lot for the dedication XD
    you really did work hard on this vector & I love their hair :D
    ahhhhhhhhh I just love it XD
    thanks again & its fav ;)

  2. norine07 Aug 25, 2008

    yay~ moon-chan uploaded it again~ XD finally get to see it~ good luck in the contest! and thanks for participating in the cleaning of scans! =] yay~ we vk freaks rule~ XD hahax..! see ya around ne~ =]

  3. lilmaggie22 Aug 25, 2008

    YES! Finally here!
    WEll..time to comment!

    But what i like the most is the color of the skin and its shading! It looks real..this whole walpaper is realistic! for the skin, i think you did capture this sort of vampire smoothness XD! Yuuki's lips are really well done!
    I also notice the dress there..the sleeve...it looks totally real! ^^ I would agree that it is REALLY really really beautiful!
    Also her eyes~ They are like glass *sigh!
    I really dont know what to add! Just wrote the things that popped into my head when i looked at it! Anyways..i also wish you good luck for the contest and keep up the great work !

  4. YENESIS Aug 26, 2008

    kaname-senpai and yuki! better! wonderfull! precious!
    vector i lovely! always you work are sooo pretties!

  5. MiMi Aug 26, 2008

    This wall looks good! Want to submit it to cafe-tb ?

  6. YoruAngel866 Aug 26, 2008

    i really like how you used color outlines on this wall, its always the best when u use color for painty walls.
    and i really like with curtain makes it better, and not so simple, so dont worry it looks fine this way
    btw i love her hair it's so damn pretty :) and the rest is really well done!

  7. EuforiaAmuritaNatsumi Aug 26, 2008

    yeaaay,Finally I know that you create this one
    hehehe ^ ^
    Very kawaii
    I very like the lips that you made for it
    it's look really Great for me
    anyway I really like this wallie
    ^ ^ waiii waiii

  8. JockeII Aug 27, 2008

    Indeed, that thumbnail reallt stinks. Didn't see how beautiful it was before I looked at it full view. :D

  9. ShanaFlare Aug 28, 2008

    i just love this wall! :)

  10. princessmeyrin023 Aug 28, 2008

    The vector colours are very nice! Good job on the calming kissing scene! The lip colours are very soothing! I like it!
    Good job ;)
    Keep it up!

  11. lovelylayla Oct 09, 2008

    isn't it weird how thumbnails always make walls bad? this is really nice, the ribbon the lips but me though, too two-dimensional

  12. KinomiyaMichiru Oct 24, 2008

    This is so sweet

  13. Siria73 Nov 01, 2008

    is very warm pic congratulations!

    merged: 11-01-2008 ~ 10:42pm
    good pic real ;)

  14. nerusonakuranu Nov 03, 2008

    Vector art is becoming popular, neh. Good job on this one! I'm envious... XD

  15. andrianna Nov 04, 2008

    oh lord
    you are amazing. thankyou so much ^-^

  16. LunaInverseElric Nov 04, 2008

    I love this image of Kaname&Yuuki
    Good job!

  17. KuraKaze Nov 05, 2008

    Very nice details on the hair ^^

  18. cayetanita Mute Member Nov 05, 2008

    how cute i really like it

  19. starryxnite Dec 20, 2008

    aww...so cute~

  20. Kairi4913 Jan 17, 2009

    so prty. luv the pic -^^

  21. uKatsu Mar 30, 2010

    nice eyes O.o?....................

  22. Sokkyosama Apr 24, 2010

    Thank you very mach for sharing! :)

  23. sheikenji Jun 11, 2010

    great picture thanks! i like it

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