
D.N.Angel Wallpaper: She's Not Like Them

Yukiru Sugisaki, Xebec, D.N.Angel, Riku Harada Wallpaper
Yukiru Sugisaki Mangaka Xebec Studio D.N.Angel Series Riku Harada Character

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Another wall from Which?waller Round 6 - Schoolhouse Rock

I finally got the time to finish the vector of Riku and the desk from this scan. Background was from sketch and I refered to a random image to design the window. I wasn't that sure about the perspective at first, so I had to reconstruct it with my imagination >_>. Extended the scan abit - on the left side of the desk, painted some clouds and I sorta like how the window and glass turned out compared to the previous one. I didn't use texture but I added noise filter on the wall to add abit of details.

Edit : Darkened the ceiling, and added more shading. Hope it's better now.

More resolutions at EDD!

the-planning-board vectory

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  1. MapleRose Retired Moderator Aug 07, 2008

    ah, so that's what took you so long to submit this one, 'cause you vectored the scan XD

    Anyway, I think the perspective looks fine, although I think usually the ceiling and walls should be different colours (or at least give the ceiling a different texture), just to differentiate it. Also, rim of the window, since the two parts are at different angles, the shading should be different (er, I'm not sure if you know what I mean ^^;; ). Did you use a texture on the walls? it looks like there's a texture to them....

  2. dslassey Aug 07, 2008

    Not all ceilings are different than the walls. At my old school, it all looked the same. Quite depressing. .___.

    Anyway, what a crisp and perfect vector! The only thing that kinda bugs me in particular, would be the clashing nature of the outline with the skirt (it's apparent in the wrinkles). I don't know if clashing is the right word, but it's kind of a strain on the eyes....
    Good job though! :o

  3. Kitaan Retired Moderator Aug 07, 2008

    Looks better with the vector, the sky looks really bright.
    Hmm murrue-chi pretty much said it all so I'll just add that maybe
    a bit more shading on the bottom, where the desk it.

  4. YoruAngel866 Aug 07, 2008

    this is interesting, i like idea a lot, and scene is great

  5. moonescape Aug 07, 2008

    sorry it's been quite sometime since I've talked to you. I know I haven't talk to you much, but it might be because I wouldn't really know what to talk about honestly. ^^"

    Anyways wow I reallyed like how you did with this. I mean you sketched the background, but not to mention you got te shades down. Changing the color to more pastel and lighter was a nice idea and that's pretty much it. You didn't go so detailed with beyond that window. ^^

  6. Sakura-Dust Aug 07, 2008

    Yep, yep vector is cooler since the scan's quality wasn't too high ^_^'
    The only thing this wall lacks are shadows. A couple of dark strokes on the walls, and voila, shadows XD
    But again, I shalt pat thee head for vectoring thy scan XD *pats thee head*
    Great job ^-^b

  7. ShanaFlare Aug 09, 2008

    wow,nice wallpaper^^ i love it! XD

  8. Tifa-chan Aug 10, 2008

    I love your wallpaper!
    the vector is very great and the bg too!
    i am a big DNAngel fan and i like Riku a lot! \o/

  9. darkstreetracer Aug 11, 2008

    Awesomeness :D

  10. Koboshi93 Aug 25, 2008

    your painting is very amazing!

  11. syahyu Apr 22, 2009

    i think this pic is too simple

  12. fennytron Aug 09, 2009

    Grat work, great girl!

  13. Starfox444 Oct 11, 2009

    I quite like it's simplicity

  14. Coconut11 Jan 10, 2010

    I like it...even it is simple....maybe its good to put more bright colors..

  15. Voodoodollphin Jun 21, 2010


  16. Randyly Oct 28, 2010

    nice wallpaper thanx 4 sharing

  17. carolsachiko Mute Member Nov 14, 2010

    riku is so cute thanks for the picture

  18. CrazyMialuvsAnime Dec 07, 2010

    she looks so pretty thanx for sharin

  19. Daphne950307 Mar 17, 2011

    she's so pretty!
    thnx for the upload

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