i like it^^ i dunno how to explain it but you used my most favorite charas from Claymore and it looks great.
and now i dislike my widscreen even more. q.q
Only your sign where to find it is staying out to much couse of the color.
Artist Comment
A Claymore ( by Norihiro Yagi (c) ) wallpaper.
I like a lot this manga, the story isn't banal and the author's way to draw is awesome! I never seen so
beautiful monsters. :D I think is worth to read it! ;]
-- End of personal point of view! xP --
I wanted to create something with THIS beautiful scan of Teresa and Claire that represents the staute of the two
divinity of love.
Actually, Teresa is one of my favourite Claymore. :]
Also I've partially colored THIS scan, to emphasize the most visible features of a Claymore: their glacial eyes, blonde hair and their own symbol (on the sword in this pic).
In the end I decided to add THIS scan, concerning young Claire's words for Teresa:
"Your eyes are like mine. You looked so sad, so hurt, so lonely... as if you
couldn't stand it. So... so I..."
quoted in the paper above.
Used also some paper scans to fill this collage.
Enjoy! <3
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Clover Aug 03, 2008
daniticha Jan 27, 2009
The image was made very well ^^
Congratulations xD -
Lorebell Feb 23, 2010
???? ??? ????, ???????? ?????, ???
Mortend Mar 21, 2010
SEncillo pero me gusto gran trabajo!
codyyost Apr 21, 2010
This one isn't too bad.
NimirRa Aug 06, 2010
Very easy going for a Claymore picture. Really like this one though.
elpelapoto Jan 06, 2011
I love that series, thanks for sharing
marmel111180 Feb 14, 2011
nice art work..............
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