
Vampire Knight Wallpaper: Whispers in the Dark

Matsuri Hino, Studio DEEN, Vampire Knight, Zero Kiryuu, Yuuki Cross Wallpaper
Matsuri Hino Mangaka Studio DEEN Studio Vampire Knight Series Zero Kiryuu Character Yuuki Cross Character

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

*"The Darkest One" Highlight at dark-wallies


Welcome to my latest wall ^^ The scan of Yuki and Zero was so nice, I had to wall it right away. Although I think I prefer YukixKaname myself...

Note: Please don't mention any spoilers about the VK manga because I haven't read it yet!

The vector was probably the hardest part, because of the lighting of the scan. It doesn't look like it, but their hair was a bit complicated to colour. And I couldn't see the outlines of Yuki's hair in the scan >.< But it wasn't as hard as I anticipated.

Then the wall. The main background is based off the scan. But after that it was too plain. So I added the ledge and a few roses. And the curtains were suggested by Kitten-chan; thank you <3 The roses were vectored from a VK manga scan, so they may not match the style of the main image, but they were much prettier than the anime style roses ^^ And the curtains are recycled from my Shuffle wall :o I didn't see why it mattered.

I used a texture a bit grungier than usual. I couldn't choose whether the texture version or clean version should be the main version :o I went with textured...but I like how the lighting looks so soft and moonlight-ish on the clean version. Let me know which you prefer :)

"Whispers in the Dark" is the title of a song by Skillet. Awesome song, and I thought it was kind of fitting. I thought of it because I was going to call the wall "Crimson Roses", and they mention that in the song...

And that's all minna ^^ It's simple but I hope you like it.

Clean Version
Textured | Clean

Original Scan

-Time: 14 hrs
-Layers: 47
-Original Size: 4207x4013
-Time: 5 hrs
-Layers: 20
Total Time: 19 hrs
Total Layers: 67
PSD Filseize: 25.7 MB
Project Duration: July 19 - July 24

vectory vector-wallers celestial-luminesse mikos-moon-flower sakura--cb depths-of-sound dark-wallies

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  1. epsilon86 Jul 24, 2008

    It look very nice and eerie!

  2. MoonFangs90 Jul 24, 2008

    i like all the things you've changed, and especially roses in background :D
    vector is gorgeous like always and vector fits perfectly with simple background
    btw wanna join dark-wallies since this could be entry and ill put it as the darkest one highlight there

  3. trofikabinet Jul 24, 2008

    OMG OMG!
    What a wonderful wall of VK! :D
    I love YukixZero! *stares in wallie*
    +fav <3

  4. YoruAngel866 Jul 24, 2008

    by the way that comment moon fangs wrote was from both of us. :D

  5. Scampi Jul 24, 2008

    A beautiful dark wallpaper you made. Background really fits the characters really well. Hope you still got more of your ideas to be put on wallpapers. An excellent job yet again.

  6. Fenafir Retired Moderator Jul 24, 2008

    Wow what a pretty wallpaper, the dark, eerie pink colors caught my eye. Good job on the vectoring reconstruction, look perfect. Hehe, I too prefer Yuki x Kaname pairing.

  7. Kitaan Retired Moderator Jul 24, 2008

    Nice look on it, it's a good thing you
    didn't make it so plain. It looks more like a
    nice dark room in a mansion with the curtains and such.
    Nice vector and good textures on it, maybe make
    it a little less rough on the texture, like lower it and it should be
    much better. Great job overall.

  8. Sakura-Dust Jul 24, 2008

    The vectoring is really pretty and their pose simply romantic.
    I like the curtains, they're a really nice touch, especially because you made them transparent.
    However, the background is a little too empty. The roses in the original scan were gorgeous, don't know why you decided to skip them.
    Except that, I like Yuuki with anyone ^_^' However, my personal favorite will always be Kaname <3

    I love that song from Skillet too.
    If you like the band listen to, 'My Obsession', it's awesome.
    'My love is just waiting
    To clothe you in crimson roses'
    Heh... *knows the song by heart*

    Care to join depths-of-sound
    This wall fits perfectly <3

  9. KriisEH Jul 25, 2008

    Siick! It's like everything matches. Like the bg is the best scene for the scan haha. :P xD

  10. Omone Jul 26, 2008

    i like the changes you made and the curtains are looking wonderful.. wanna have the same ._.
    vector is clean and neat like always..
    and i really love the color scheme ^-^

  11. CosmoStar Jul 26, 2008

    I cannot help but think on the Phantom of the Opera while looking at this!
    Awesome! And I love how red this is! Sooooo red and shiny!
    Congratulations! This is an awesome piece!

  12. EuforiaAmuritaNatsumi Jul 26, 2008

    This VK is very awesome
    the BG is very fantastic of the darkness
    Very amazing

  13. FallenKrusnik Jul 27, 2008

    It looks creapy but nice, I dont know I like it though!

  14. Galtrann Jul 27, 2008

    Your vector is just amazing, I luv, really, I tried to make a wall with the scan, but his is a thousand times better. XD
    Congrats o/

  15. Straawbeeryy Jul 27, 2008

    Look, it`s Zero and Yuki. Yay! I love your clean vector. Though the skinny lines look nice, I prefer bigger lines. I love the roses. Clean version ftw! =D

  16. ShanaFlare Jul 27, 2008

    omg,awesome wall! :D

  17. chrisp Jul 28, 2008

    uaaahh!this wall looks amazing! although i like kaname-sempai more... but kyaa the clean vector the great bg!cool

  18. Koboshi93 Jul 28, 2008

    ah wow now a vampire knight wall! So pretty! *_*

  19. Hikari87 Jul 28, 2008

    Very pretty! *___* Thanks for the wallie~

  20. Clover Jul 29, 2008

    i like this one.
    Uhm when i will look this series then couse i like your work from it and a vector art i like from it >.<
    even thought i never wanted to see it. But your work is making it intresting.

  21. KaoruMikagami Jul 29, 2008

    i got to say great wall.well done

  22. princessmeyrin023 Aug 01, 2008

    Those two are so romantic... I like the color scheme. Great wallpaper!

  23. minamiyukihimenonaka Aug 02, 2008


    Sunday Night

    Yaaay, nice vector! Your BG is totally dark, but it's very match with these atmosphere. Perfect impression, you using low-exposure, but vector & BG still look clear! Keep perfect my tomodachi! ^ ^

  24. MikoAngelAzumi Sep 22, 2008

    its so pretty,
    i love it ^^ you ROCK! =3

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