Nice job. Her dress is a little awkward, though. The shadowing you used for the text is a little out of place in a vector. Overall, I think it looks pretty cool ^_^
Nice to see you back :)
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Nice job. Her dress is a little awkward, though. The shadowing you used for the text is a little out of place in a vector. Overall, I think it looks pretty cool ^_^
Nice to see you back :)
I agree nice job.
Your you could improve your vector a little though, that part on her elbow looks kinda off and as melymay said her dress
is off on some parts as well.
I really like the way you've used textures in this one though, keep it up.
Nice wallie, sweetie! I lie you vector and colors. Keep it up!
It look so good
This is fantastic.
Thank you very mach for sharing! :)
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