Looks like a woman to me... The clothes, the colors, the eyes, they all look rather feminine. But who knows. It could be a cross-dresser XD
Nevertheless, it's a lovely picture :)
Scanned it from my artbook "Lover's Diary" by Mamiya Oki.
I wanted to upload this in female scans but my brother said: "It's a guy who looks like a woman". Then my
mother said: "It looks like a gay character." Now I'm confused. XD Is it a guy or a woman? ^_^'
Edit: Then I'm moving it in female scans. :D
Browse Mamiya Oki Gallery: Recent | Popular.
Looks like a woman to me... The clothes, the colors, the eyes, they all look rather feminine. But who knows. It could be a cross-dresser XD
Nevertheless, it's a lovely picture :)
Definitely a woman. Totally agree with Twilightofrose, the clothes and slender face suggests a female. I really like this scan regardless the sex. I really like the motion in this picture, as if she's about to attack. The colorful attire is just beautiful. thanx for sharing.
A wonderful picture.
It looks like a girl to me too, and to help me believe that this artist draws something other than yaoi (which hurts my soul), it is a woman gosh darnit! Thanks for sharing!
omg this is so great! I will vector this!
Nice picture~
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