
Vampire Knight Wallpaper: Chain the Beast Within

Matsuri Hino, Studio DEEN, Vampire Knight, Kaname Kuran, Zero Kiryuu Wallpaper
Matsuri Hino Mangaka Studio DEEN Studio Vampire Knight Series Kaname Kuran Character Zero Kiryuu Character

2048x1536 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Ahh i'm finally done with this wall :sweat: .I forgot about this scan of Vampire Knight...so when i found it again...i gave it a shot...and this is what it turned out...
The scan was a little bit dark,so some of the lines were not visible that much...that was the hard thing about it.

Time: 19 hrs
Layers/shapes: 263
Easy part: The eyes as always :)
Hard part: The chains...
Fun part: The tatoo on Zero's neck and the rose in Kaname's hand XD
Program: Photoshop CS2
Original scan : Vampire Knight OP Cover by Hakaru

The background didn't take me much time.Instead of the "red bed" behind them,i added i texture that looked like a carpet/floor to me,added some shadows on both of them,some light on the top,and i added the "bloody roses".I didn't have the idea to make them real,but just like a "sent that the blood gives to them..the sent of a rose"...hehehe i'm weird eh ^_^' ?I smudged the blood splatters a bit too...

Well,i hope i did a good job...tell me what you think and hope you like it too...


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  1. epsilon86 Jul 10, 2008

    I think it will look better if they are a bit closer. And if stronger / bolder black outline is used. But the roses look very pretty! It complement well with the background.

  2. YENESIS Jul 10, 2008

    ahh kaname-senpai looks so sweet! super cute! Beatiful*-*
    i like so much the tatu of zero, looks so nice!

  3. LauraLeia Jul 10, 2008

    Wow~ This is very nice! (It looks better up close, the thumbnail doesn't do it justice! :/) Apart from the colour of the manacles on their wrists (it looks to... pinkish for my liking), the whole thing is very beautiful. Excellent job, thank you for sharing this! :)

  4. moonelf313 Jul 12, 2008

    Wonderful vector!...The tattoo on Zero is awesome, and they both look really good! Keep up the good work!

  5. Paptawan Jul 15, 2008

    I'll be with you KANAME senpai!

  6. christabel92 Jul 16, 2008

    hey anita-chan!glad to see you're making more and more walls :D
    this one looks cool,but I have a few things to criticize...
    first...the colors of this are strange..they are light and then somehow dark..I don't like how you made them look like they are in shadow...you should have made the original colors darker and than add a light shadow...
    also,the background is too simple...I think you should have added a stronger pattern on the floor and and added some stronger shadows under them...and also add just drops of blood,not the roses also...
    I'm sorry I had to criticize this so much...the base of this is cool,I mean,you vectored them perfectly but it lacks some other small things :D

  7. Spongepop Sep 29, 2008

    This wallpaper is sheer and total AWESOMENESS! I really like these two boys I think they compliment each other some how. The vector is so wicked you paid close attention to every detail. The color is flawless and I just think that you did a tremendous job with this paper! Nice work and thanks for sharing!

  8. Shadowcowz Oct 27, 2008

    Personally I love the way everything looks so clear!
    Now, I can stare into Kaname's Eyes~

  9. Alcyndore Dec 08, 2008

    I love the red, flowery background. I love this colour and I think it really suits the anime. These two characters are really cute! They are really well drawn: the hair, the faces, even the chains. I love vector walls and yours is really a success. Congratulations and thanks for sharing!

  10. PunkyDarkmoon Feb 09, 2009

    wow It's red, beautiful

  11. garnetyuna Apr 02, 2009

    chains, red, gorgeous!
    good wallpaper <3

  12. nourt Dec 11, 2009


  13. Sokkyosama Apr 26, 2010

    Thank you very mach for sharing! :)

  14. inter91 Apr 27, 2010

    grazie questa imm

  15. pussycat12 Nov 23, 2010

    cool picture. love it.
    thanks for sharing

  16. ellikiryu Nov 26, 2010


    Quote by epsilon86I think it will look better if they are a bit closer. And if stronger / bolder black outline is used. But the roses look very pretty! It complement well with the background.

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