
Vampire Knight Wallpaper: A Lonely Vampire

Matsuri Hino, Vampire Knight, Kaname Kuran Wallpaper
Matsuri Hino Mangaka Vampire Knight Series Kaname Kuran Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Vectored from the cover of chapter 5 from the manga and dedicated to my friend on AP ^^

*copy paste from AP*
I took a long time doing the vector, partly because I don't have a tablet to paint and I had to redo the skin many times. I loved doing the hair and the eyes though~ After I finished it, I cracked my brain thinking up a suitable background. Since I'm not good at painting, I had to omit the 'brick wall and window' idea. I found that I'm not good at doing abstract either o_O so there goes the abstract idea >_< Then I watched an episode of the VK anime, and I found the curtain idea...red looks good together with a vampire, ne? xDD Thanks to the smudge tool, I managed to put together something which looks like a curtain *.*

Spoiler (show)

I decided to omit the 'knife poking picture' part of the scan because it is a bad influence to children...who am I kidding? I'm just lazy, that's all (XD) Same goes with the books~ I decided to try out a different style of vector, especially on the hair, so I went for the 'many strands of bishie hair' look, which means that you can pull on his hair too >:D

Remember me saying that I hate Kaname? Well, I don't take that back, but now I prefer that Yuuki end up with Kaname instead, because Zero is just so indecisive and soft o_O Anyway, I have no particular fondness for the both of them xP I like Ichijou the best < 3 But I still love Eyes the most <3 *count on me to spam about everything unrelated*

This is my first time using a texture in a wallpaper too, and I think I like the way it turned out ^.^ Still, if anybody wants the version without textures, just tell me and I will give it to you~

I shall end my long, pointless description now xDD Comments and advice will be greatly appreciated~ Also, I probably won't have the time to make wallpapers after this one because I'm going off to study ^^ There's still holidays though =) Until then~

P.S: Who wants to give Kaname a lollipop so that he can stop sucking his own thumb? =D

I would love to hear your advice/comments/critique on this wall =) Thanks in advance ^^

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  1. norine07 Jul 09, 2008

    nice one~ love the idea~ =] hahax..!~ bad for kids XD

  2. YENESIS Jul 09, 2008

    kyA! kaname-senpai! is very sexy! looks so precious!i love!
    grat WOrk!

  3. ASH-Hikari Jul 09, 2008

    Wow, this is really well done, everyone should full view this ^^ The vectoring is great, the paintiness looks lovely, your background idea turned out well, just the whole thing is good work.
    Yeah, Kaname definetely needs a lollipop or popsicle or something XD

  4. anit4e Jul 09, 2008

    *_* *_* This is one of the best Vampire Knight wallpapers i've ever seen!Absolutely gorgeous!The vector is perfect,and the background looks awesome.This...i'm putting on my desktop NOW!

  5. Sinever Jul 09, 2008

    AWESOME :o
    you really did a fabulous job on the vectoring/painting XD
    well done & its a highlight :)

  6. KiyanaIkebana Jul 09, 2008

    Wow! It's so awesome! I love Kaname! Great job!

  7. Paptawan Jul 15, 2008

    Why he always make me loved him -=-

  8. YoruAngel866 Jul 16, 2008

    copy/paste ap
    vector is ok, but the coloring is awesome, candles are great, also curtains and window.
    also eyes are beautiful.

  9. Pika-Pika-Pikachu Oct 25, 2008


  10. Tomoyo01 Oct 27, 2008

    Kaname`s the best! I love it!

  11. starryxnite Dec 20, 2008

    kaname sama makes me want to drink blood

  12. Kairi4913 Apr 13, 2009

    nice pic thnx 4 sharin

  13. Van-chan Aug 21, 2009

    Kaname *____________________* curtains and window look so cool, i love it ;D

  14. cdfg Nov 20, 2009

    Blood Yuki apparently vkustnaya.
    Or is not her blood?

  15. Deluhism Feb 16, 2010

    Cool pics...
    Kaname is really good vampire...

  16. Sokkyosama Apr 26, 2010

    Thank you very mach for sharing! :)

  17. xxxROSIELxxx Jul 08, 2010

    Beautiful wallpaper! Thank you very much!

  18. Billalunna Mute Member Oct 10, 2010

    Beautiful wallpaper! Thank you very much!

  19. Sulaa Jan 10, 2011

    kanammeee! bloooooooody! bloody bloody...

  20. EvelynII Jun 29, 2011

    Great job!.
    La sangre se ve muy real.

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