Wow~~That's beyond my imagination~~Wonderfu masterpiece!l~~~
The characters' eyes are shining in the darkness~They really catche me!
I love your style more than I can say.Thank you for sharing ~~(Hehe~)
Compared with the two vampires,maybe yuki
1600x1200 Wallpaper
please full view thumbnail is messy
hi! been a two weeks since i last made wallpaper
well here you are.
dedicated to storm-and-fire, Anna-for being my good friend, and also dedicate to her sis Maria.
another vampire knight wallpaper by me. lets just say i thought someone was going to vector this, but it didnt...i cant i vectored it for everyone else. hehe
lets see, wallpaper had 107 layers, i did it in 10 hours.
love how i did their eyes. :D
anyway i tried to make it as detailed as possible, and kaname was weird so i fixed him. anyway roses were death, and
kaname was the hardest of all three.
also the planned wallpaper resolution was 2560x2048, but minitokyo dosent approve it, so i have to upload standard
resolution 1600x1200. sorry no wide-screen. you can find 1280x1024 resolution on ap.
Done in photoshop cs2...i was awake till 3 am, since i couldnt sleep and i wanted to finish it, since i couldnt do it
earlier cause i was at my friends house till 11 pm.
also i reconstructed some things....
Layers :107
time: Around 10 h
funiest part:hair
hardest part:roses
easiest part: eyes
program: Photoshop cs2
original vector size: 2560x2048
psd file size:51 mb
Scan: here
Browse Vampire Knight Gallery: Recent | Popular.
Wow~~That's beyond my imagination~~Wonderfu masterpiece!l~~~
The characters' eyes are shining in the darkness~They really catche me!
I love your style more than I can say.Thank you for sharing ~~(Hehe~)
Compared with the two vampires,maybe yuki
Ooooh, shmancy vector. Very nice, Yoru!~
Really nice job on the eyes - so lovely! >.<
I like that stuffed bunny dool. :) finished it! I just love it :D
love the darkness, lightning, eyes and yuuki! ^^
great wall all i can say :)
Their all vectored well however I think Yuuki's
lines are a bit more jagged and bold then Zero and Kaname.
The back ground is nice, simple and dark.
Yuuki's outfit is weird XD I kept looking at it thinking she's
going to some weird dark party after this photo shoot.
Great job overall, nice vectoring.
wonDerFul! all so pretty my kaname-sama look so Beatiful! yuuki is lolita dark ja!
and zero look so very serious!
WOW, thats a beautiful piece of work :)
the shadow are so amazing, keep it up ^_^
well done wallpaper.Its nice
Kaname-sama looks so good! XD The roses are nicely done. But the background kinda empty although it's simple. I feel something missing but entirely this wallie is beautiful! Thanks for all your hard work! :D
Oh wow, I really like that scan :D
Lovely job on the vectoring. I really like the colours used - it gives off something in between creepy and dark. The only things that bother are that the girl's eyes look too dark. I'm thinking it's because her eyelashes are too thick.
There is also that random thing off to the left. It looks like you continued it off from the original scan, but right now it looks like a random brush you used to take up space. I think you may have mistook the object. From what I can see on the scan, the fringe things are from another curtain covering another. If you look closely, you can see the colour change indicating that there are actually two different curtains.
Overall, nice job ^^
Edit. If you did notice that there were two different curtains, I suggest that it should be more obvious on the wallpaper. The shadowing to the left is really too dark. I think you should lay off a bit, so you can add more colour to the 2nd curtain to make it more noticeable.
even though I hate the anime (I love the manga) I kinda like that scan.
I think that the left side of the wall - the curtains - look a bit odd, other than that it's great.
nice job on the vector ^^ I'm loving how you did yuuki's eyes.
Just two ewolip says it too. Beautiful, tiny lines, impressive!
Hm, I was gonna vector that XD But I didn't start or anything. It wouldn't have been done until, like, 2010
Anyways. Nice job with the details. Although this seems like one of your rushed works. You do so much better when you
just slow down a bit ^^ Nothing major, I just think the curtain could have been done better. It's kind of randomly
brushed over, and you can see on the fringe where the stroke went over the main line. Otherwise it's a great wall
of a great image, very shiny ^^
Very nice! I like that you stayed true to the original scan, but gave it your own touch in places. The details on her dress especially caught my eye- the faint rose print on her sleeves and the texture really add extra depth that really add to the piece. :)
Great job with the details! I like it so much! XD
Sorry for the late of my comment
because several days ago I can't online in PC I only Online in my phone mobile
so I can't write a comment
This wallpaper is very Great
you create it with a Nice touch
and That dark is very interesting
I love the scan too
your vector is very nice
you did a Great job
very beautiful XD
I like you vector :D its clean & neat :)
well done & its a fav ;)
and you still didnt learn the blur thing i taught you
damn, you're a piece of work :D
Pretty job Yoru! *o*
I like your vector and wallie looks awesome, swwetie! ^^
woahhhhhh! nice nice nice lolXD
Oh wow, this is really lovely :)
Nice scan. I love how Yuki is always between Kaname and Zero. :)
That is seriously awsome! thanx for the pic!
Yuuki looks like Alice in wonderland so much
I love it!
I like the purple tones of this wall...and Zero's eyes are amazing!I could stare at them for ages *looks in his
eyes constantly*
The curtains need more work,though...especially the left side where there's that a little lighter thing,I
don't know what is that,anyway...
But still,I like the dark feel of the wall and it deserves a fav :D
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