This is my ANIWOOD entry over at .Hehe, cutting it pretty close,
eh? I'm glad I finished this one time. ^_^'
First of all, this is dedicated to Pande, Erdbeermilch, Ori-chan, Termari and Kitten for being good friends to me.
Okay, so on to the wallpaper!
Finally a Code Geass wallpaper from me. At first, I was looking for a scan that Ori-chan mentioned for a different movie
idea.... but then I came across this one, and was like, "IDEA TIMEZ PLOX!"
My first idea was to vector him normally and make him throwing playing cards or something to make a 007 Casino Royale
wallpaper. Then my brother saw the scan and said, "Give him a hate and he could be Indiana Jones. He was right! o:
And the pose was perfect to recreate the opening event of Raiders of the Lost Ark!
Then I came across that chibi scan of c.c. and immediately thought it'd make a good ugly monkey statue. SUCCESS was
nigh! Now, I'd link ya to those scans, and I give full creedit to those scanners, but I'm having some internet
problems (I'm lucky that I was able to upload this at all).
So I colored him brown and tan. I think Indy would be proud. :nerd:
I used a Saint Seiya scan to get the colors for the statue (my "gold" looked like barf... seriously).
For the background, I had originally wanted to make a temple wall with some fines hanging down... but seeing how I
finished this five minutes ago, we can all see how that'd be impossible. So I decided to go with an old map,
similar to those new DVD covers. I scaned some calendar of old maps that I had packed away. I then added several paper
textures to give it a new.... antique finish?
Textures are from Bashcorpo (again, I'd link it... but internet problems).
I started this monday, and finished today. WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Now I feel free.
I hope you all like it, Minna. And be glad I turned such a skinny weiner of a character into such a badass of an