
Okami Wallpaper: Run, like Wind!

Okami, Amaterasu, Vector Art Wallpaper
Okami Game Amaterasu Character Vector Art Source

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

My Inuyasha wall made me mad. D= So, I took a break from it to vector something instead of paint.. I ended up painting some of this anyway, in the end. -_-

I always wanted to do another Okami wall, simply because well.. Okami's like the most awesome game evar. ><

I took a break from my recent scenic style, and I did something I haven't done in a while, and that was make an abstract-ish? wallpaper.

Wall Specs: :'D

I used this scan

Everything is vectored except for SOME of the line art, which was so just hard to see, I ended up just grabbing my tablet and sketching in some parts, and I also painted in Amaterasu's shadowing.

I've never really used any textures in my wallpapers before, so I messed around with a simple aged paper texture, and surprisingly it made it look pretty nice. So, yeah, I guess this wall was just one big experiment. XD

Hope you enjoy! Comments, Critique and favs appreciated as always. =)

Wallpaper for: vector-wallers sakura--cb vectory

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  1. sakuranb Jun 26, 2008

    oh hai thar 8] nice wall bern, love the textures ;3

  2. ikijibiki Jun 27, 2008

    Looks great~ love what you did with the scan ;)

  3. MarinaMoon Jun 27, 2008

    Good composition and color use. Love the background.

  4. Saikusa Retired Moderator Jun 27, 2008

    This is the most realistic the Okami wolf has looked to date! Beautiful image, with a wild ferocity of burning colours and an aged look to it too. Great work.

  5. skye Jun 28, 2008

    thats a gorgeous wallie! ^_^ great work!

  6. YoruAngel866 Jun 28, 2008

    excellent, beautiful, interesting and quite enjoyable looking at it

  7. Sakura-Dust Jul 01, 2008

    Okami scans are incredibly beautiful.
    I love the bright colors, they contrast a lot with the black eyes.
    It's a gorgeous composition perfect for a desktop <3

  8. MapleRose Retired Moderator Jul 07, 2008

    I love the bright colours :) Nice combination of vectoring and painting, I like the way you did the lines, looks like ink-painting ^^

  9. angelicstar618 Nov 30, 2008

    this is an really nice work. the artwork is really colorful.

  10. koron Jul 25, 2009

    It's wonderful.
    have a vivid picture

  11. lepoussinvengeur Aug 07, 2009

    nice colors, nice art

  12. RinaAsakura Apr 25, 2010

    nice scan
    thx for sharing~

  13. kassamee Jan 10, 2011

    This is wonderful, thank you for sharing :D

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