
FAKE: our future

Sanami Matoh, FAKE, Bikky, Carol (FAKE)
Sanami Matoh Mangaka FAKE Series Bikky Character Carol (FAKE) Character


adult Bikky and Carol inside "Fake" Vol.1 by Sanami Matoh

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  1. Lady-Lotus Jun 11, 2008

    KYA! this is so cute. love her outfit, it look so good with her silvery wavy hair! Love the fact that they're matching, lols, so adorable and lovy dovy. ^^

  2. Raina1985 Apr 21, 2010

    Bikky and Carol. They make a cute couple.

  3. Kat-lady04 Oct 06, 2011

    Bikky grows up to be a total hottie.

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