
Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Wallpaper: Happy Mukuro Day!~ [ 9th June '08 ]

Akira Amano, Artland, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, Mukuro Rokudo Wallpaper
Akira Amano Mangaka Artland Studio Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Series Mukuro Rokudo Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

It's Mukuro's birthday today :D Mukuro from Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Also dedicated to Miriallia, because I owe you a Mukuro wallpaper for you birthday >.<

About this wallpaper... I've been planning to make it since before my birthday which was on the 26th of May... I planned to do it, but had nothing on my head. So I found a scan of Mukuro and just vectored it.
A few days later I randomly made some backgrounds on the vector but I kinda failed... ^_^' It is nothing like this.
This background became like this because I just kept thinking of making a simple wallpaper... -_- And I suddenly thought of those Ipod wallpapers, so I added the earphones ^_^' I'm really really sorry if it looks bad T_T T_T
I can't change anything now because my PS got stuck before I tried to save the psd file... The good thing is that I saved the jpg file... But I can't change anything now...

Anyways, I don't feel like saying anything now... -_-

The whole vector :) - ~69 Mukuro Vector 69~ by temarigenius

Scan - Rokudo Mukuro by Pulver15

vector-wallers dgrayman-black-fighters vampire-knight darkerthanblack rainfallinglove

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  1. dslassey Jun 08, 2008

    I knew ya had it in you! I was 100% confident that you'd be able to make a great simple wallpaper. I really like the background that you made. It helps convey the mood of the music that he could be listening to. If I had to guess, I'd say that he's listening to some sort of soft jazz rock or something. Nice job, temari! :D

  2. devilgenius Banned Member Jun 08, 2008

    Woa! Your birthday is same as mine...
    Love this wall :X

  3. Omone Jun 08, 2008

    nyaa i really like the idea and the color you choosed =D very nice


  4. Chloe Retired Moderator Jun 08, 2008

    Not really into iPod wallies, but how can I NOT love Mukuro? Can't wait to see the vector ;)

  5. EuforiaAmuritaNatsumi Jun 09, 2008

    I like your Idea and very creative like always you do
    Kakkooooiii jan

  6. YoruAngel866 Jun 10, 2008

    nice and cool idea

  7. Miriallia Jul 23, 2008

    It's really wonderful, me and my desktop are really happy! ;_;<3 Great job! And I love the blue you used, it's my favourite colour! *-*

  8. yukiimidori Feb 09, 2009

    Oh my, that's so wonderful ! It's will be my wall. Thank you so much! ^^

  9. BuNnieMomiJi Apr 25, 2009

    lawl! This wallpaper is just brilliant!

  10. serenna May 26, 2009

    Hahaha Cool Pinkapple

  11. Gw3nn0w Jun 04, 2009

    Wooow.. this is awesome

  12. VILLALS Mute Member Nov 05, 2009

    nice work is cool .. thanks .. :D

  13. cambriren Dec 17, 2009

    mukuro with i pod from apple

  14. twilight1031989 Mute Member Mar 06, 2010

    awesome..it looks a amazing.. nice work

  15. Lavi-X Apr 27, 2010

    Kyaaaa! I Loved this sharing!:D Thnx a lot...

  16. Suzusan Jun 17, 2010

    Great wall, the concept and the colours have something abstract I really like... And, well, it's Mukuro! ;-)
    Thanks 4 sharing! XD

  17. a1n2g3e4l5 Sep 24, 2010

    thanks for sharing, cool wallpaper :)

  18. byonbyon Oct 24, 2010

    Haha :) Oh mukuro and his pineapples XD

  19. zenitstarshe Nov 26, 2010


  20. ErikaYukariHirae Nov 30, 2010

    Oooh! It'sa amazing wall *----*

    I liked?

    Thanks you and good job ;

  21. thecalling May 05, 2011

    Woa! Your birthday is same as mine...
    Love this wall :X

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