
Carnelian Wallpaper: & Precious world...

Carnelian, Sanctuary Knocker, Phi (Sanctuary Knocker) Wallpaper

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Actually, my desktop. I made it three weeks ago, with a biggest picture of Carnelian. Hope you like it ^^.


Crédits :
Textures : FEEL Imprint; Shizoolicous; Shizun GFX
Police; Time new Roman
Picture; Carnelian
Tutorial; Heavenly Dream

copyright Okorimakuri, all right reserved.

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  1. xKai Jun 02, 2008

    Pretty nice wall there, but you don't have a link to the scan you used so can't comment much about what you had change xD
    Overall looks good love the atmosphere kinda dark and lonely~
    Would be good if you had some stars and moon in the background's night sky.

    merged: 06-03-2008 ~ 02:38am
    Pretty nice wall there, but you don't have a link to the scan you used so can't comment much about what you had change xD
    Overall looks good love the atmosphere kinda dark and lonely~
    Would be good if you had some stars and moon in the background's night sky.

  2. drastikhate Jun 03, 2008

    The colours of the dress, chair, crow, practically everything has a great water colour texture! =D

  3. Yukari18 Jun 08, 2008

    Damn Pretty!xD
    I love this watercolour effect!^^ Keep It Up!

  4. Okorimakuri Jun 08, 2008

    Thank's ^_^. I use this picture ( http://img134.imageshack.us/img134/6074/11bs0.jpg ). I just change colour =).

  5. IzumiChan Jun 19, 2008

    Woah, so cool~ >u<
    I really liked the contrasts between the cold blue and the warm red/orange, it's so moody and dramatic~ *_*
    It somehow makes me feel uneasy, lol~ moving, indeed~ >u<
    Great job, I loved it! Thanks for the 1280 version as well~ :D

  6. llanus Feb 01, 2010

    good super cool esta de lujo este wallpaper
    sigue asi esta muy bien me gusto

    i like
    me encanta
    que exelentes wallpapers

    pero esta me encanto

    good super cool
    super fhasion

    uhhh k bien good super cool esta de lujo este wallpaper
    sigue asi esta muy bien me gusto

    i like
    me encanta
    que exelentes wallpapers

    pero esta me encanto

    good super cool
    super fhasion

    uhhh k bien

  7. Chrom Mar 13, 2010

    Cool!Great job!)))))))))

  8. LadySavannah May 26, 2010

    genial, esta muy hermoso este Wall ;)

    gracias! bajando!

  9. aqito Jun 05, 2010

    so beautiful.... i really love these kind of picture

  10. Chrom Nov 27, 2010

    It's very nice and beautiful scan!Thanks you for sharing)))))))))

  11. noraneko667 Nov 30, 2010

    wow! I really love Carnelian's work.

  12. elentary Mar 28, 2011


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