
One Piece Wallpaper: The me sitting here...

Eiichiro Oda, Toei Animation, One Piece, Sanji Wallpaper
Eiichiro Oda Mangaka Toei Animation Studio One Piece Series Sanji Character

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

This one's for the fangirls. XD
This has to be the sexiest One Piece scan I've ever seen, it's so sad that it's just a sketch. I wonder how that wallpaper would have turned out with better lineart. -_-

Deep down inside I'm just a shameless fangirl, I wonder if I sat there with my mouth agape when I saw the scan for the first time. What I like about One Piece are the crude humor and the crazy characters, what I really, really hate about it are the endless dragonball-esque battles. That's why I don't watch it anymore.
The scan was vectored and I kept the colours and bg simple to match the sketchy look. Some textures where added because I love textures and this time it even includes some text . :nya: The quote is from "Sputnik Sweetheart" by Haruki Murakami one of my favorite authors though there are other books by him I like more.

The textures for this wallie are from Bashcorpo. Hope you enjoy for other resolution browse AP this time.

vector-wallers theunderappreciated

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  1. Fran Retired Moderator Jun 01, 2008

    Quote by ErdbeermilchThe quote is from "Sputnik Sweetheart" by Haruki Murakami one of my favorite authors though there are other books by him I like more.

    That's actually one of my favorite books. Though "Kafka on the Shore" is the one I like the most. Murakami is a great author. Definitely worth the reading.

    Anyway, to the wall: Plain awesome.
    I really like how the outlines turned out, it makes the wall even more unique.
    I can't say much, I have no words :o

    Excellent job!
    It's nice to see some other bishounen apart from Lelouch.

  2. melymay Jun 01, 2008

    Nice choice of colours. They all work well together. Lovely job :)

  3. Iare Jun 01, 2008


    He looks very sexy. I like the idea and the result for your wallpaper.

  4. pamkips Jun 01, 2008

    It's amazing, sexy, and stylistic, I seriously love the tones, and oh my gawd something besides Code Geass, thank you :3

  5. dslassey Jun 01, 2008

    Pretty stylish wallpaper, if I do say so myself. I love the earthy tones to death. Seriously, this wallpaper kicks ass. <3

    +fav for sure!

  6. Chloe Retired Moderator Jun 01, 2008

    Dragon Ball-esque fights in One Piece? Never thought of it like that. Ever. Bleach on the other hand... >_>

    Anywho, as One Piece is my favorite anime and it's so hard to come by an awesome One Piece wallie, how can I not like this? I liked the scratchy line art of the original scan, but this is too awesome. Nicely done!

  7. xKai Jun 01, 2008

    Really nice wallpaper of sanji~
    Clean vector and i agree with Chloe-chan about the Dragon Ball-esque fight in one-piece. It has more meaning behind each battle =D
    Great job on this~ fav+

  8. monicayurie Jun 03, 2008

    Sugoi wallpaper!
    I aggree with Chloe-chan: it's indeed hard to find beautiful One Piece wallpapers. But, this one... make up for the others... :D
    Congratulations! It looks very nice. I'm definetly a fan of your walls now! You have some really nice pieces.
    Kisses... :)

  9. sailorchiron Jun 04, 2008

    Heh, Fran's right, it IS nice to see someone other than Lelouche. Excellent vector, and it is indeed hawt.

  10. markjo Jun 08, 2008

    You're right, the man does have something in him :) .
    Flawless execution, as always, plus the colour choice is a nice suprise to me (I'm not into brown colours, but I actually like them here). Any chance for 1024x768 resolution? Pretty please?

  11. Anjhurin Sep 26, 2008

    Ah, that looks like Sanji, but with glasses ^_^. I definitely love this wall, great textures, awesome choice of colors, and the flow and mood of the piece is great (so contemplative, and that cigarette smoke is awesome !).

    Thumbs up and fav, and hail to Murakami and OP *bow*

  12. clxtwinight Oct 21, 2008

    this picture is so cool.thanks -_-

  13. Chocosuke Oct 23, 2008

    omg... sanji is so cool. Awesome wallpaper here..! and once again, you made me love sanji! thanks for sharing... +FAV

  14. kahliente Nov 14, 2008

    luv it
    sanji is the best

  15. Meilinn Feb 27, 2009

    He's truly a synonym for 'hotness'))))))) Thabk you!

  16. animeild Jun 22, 2009

    oh yeah!, enjoy it!

  17. idahidaya Sep 11, 2009

    HOT. 'nuff said.

  18. VampirEva Oct 05, 2009

    Just three words... Oh my god! xD

  19. opalish Oct 29, 2009

    Gorgeous--Sanji looks beyond awesome.

  20. tsukiko1989 Mute Member Nov 01, 2009

    thanks for cool wallpaper((=

  21. MiniTaurus Jan 29, 2010

    Again, Sanji show his adult side

  22. Primaverah Mar 13, 2010

    such a wonderful wallp .
    with smoke XD !

    thnx 4 the wallp =)

  23. Faelnirv Apr 05, 2010

    cool. sanji sanji sanji. he can't seem to change that bad habit of his.

  24. Watson123 Apr 16, 2010

    He's truly a synonym for 'hotness'))))))) Thabk you!

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