
Lucky Star Wallpaper: Blue Sea Princess:.

Lucky Star, Kagami Hiiragi Wallpaper
Lucky Star Series,OVA Kagami Hiiragi Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment


This is my first Lucky Star wallpaper, featuring Kagami as a mermaid, and based in a picture of "Lucky Star 2008 Callendar". Actually, i only see four chapters of Lucky Star but i really fall in love with this anime.. is so funny! X3

But.. this wallie is very special

This wallie is a gift for my best friend here in MT
and all over the world. Is for my friend Anna-chan

Tomorrow, 31 of may, is her birthday. I'm uploading this today because between our countries are 5 hours of difference (i mean, from Argentina to Germany), so, you will discover it tomorrow, when your birthday is really ^^ and also i'm in university right now, with fast internet and it's easy to upload

Anna-chan you are a very precious friend for me! I
hope that you like my gift! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

This is the leiv-motiv of this wallie =) but i want also tell you how i did it. First, in my past wallie, "Bloody Queen" one person tell me than i must try to mix better backgound and foreground, and that is difficult! I try to do that in this wallie.. but i think than i don't reach the perfection yet.. i must improve more in this aspect.. Thinking in that, i paint Kagami with soft colors and soft edges, and also use the same color of the piece for it's shape vector outlines than i made before (example, light orange for the skin, and light orange for the face outline) but maybe this isn't very visible because of the main color of the wallie, that is blue..

I made the stone by myself, and also the tail pattern, but waves, palms, moon and clouds are brushes.. As you can see the hardest part in this wallie was shaping and coloring Kagami. But i also add to this wallie some color filters and blending modes to obtain this blue atmosphere

As you can see, the title is "Blue Sea Princess".. there isn't so much to explain ^^'

I hope any Lucky Star fan like this wallie
Specially my friend Anna ^^

Favs and comments will be really appreciated!

Kisses and hugs!

.: Sakura Hime :.


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  1. dslassey May 30, 2008

    Pretty nice vector!~
    A slight problem that I noticed is with the clouds. There's a straight edge on some of the clouds. You could have tried to blend those edges to make the clouds look more wispy... I guess. I dunno how one would fix that in photoshop (for I don't use it).
    Other than that, it's a beautiful wallpaper. I love the colors, and the whole mood of it. Good job, Sakurals! ^^

  2. BlackSponge May 30, 2008

    The clouds look a bit odd but not much else to say really.
    This is a really cool wall.
    Well done.

  3. schwindelmagier May 30, 2008

    Aw, thanks so much, my dear friend. This is really a very nice and beautiful gift. I appreciate the effort you've put in it. You used my fav colours, a scan of one of my fav anime (oh how I laughed at Lucky Star, ridiculous, awesome, superb). I really love the sea and the water, it looks brilliant, very well done. The light effect are wonderful too, the wallpaper gains a mystical touch through it. ^^
    And last but not least, your vector skills always manage to impress me to the fullest. *hugs and kisses*

    +fav +fav +fav

  4. christabel92 Jun 01, 2008

    Nice wall!I like the scenery even though I'm not a fan of Lucky star graphics...
    Anyways,you did an awesome job!

  5. akaonda Restricted Member Nov 07, 2009

    excelent work i like it XD

  6. cioudrunnerfiute Dec 19, 2009

    What a new and odd composition! Very beautiful.

  7. animeotaku15 Sep 07, 2011

    WWWWWWWWooooooWWWWWWW... GGGenial

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