
Beast Master: Beast Master: I'm A Believer!

Kyousuke Motomi, Beast Master, Yuiko Kubozuka, Leo Aoi, Vector Art
Kyousuke Motomi Mangaka Beast Master Series Yuiko Kubozuka Character Leo Aoi Character Vector Art Source


Artist Comment

Woohoo, I'm on a roll! I've been reading a lot of manga lately (especially shoujo and mature) and stumbled across this image one day: image. It's the cover of one of the chapters. I must say it's one of the cutest manga I've ever read and I adore this couple! You should give this manga a chance, you won't be sorry ;)

Anyway, back to the vector. It took a while because the outlines weren't very clear in the original image and I had to invent some. The hair of Leo (the guy) was difficult to do because I couldn't see the outlines and had to make them up. I hope the shading doesn't look off, I tried using gradients this time and I think they look nice - I love Yuiko (the girl)'s hair! :D About the difference in skin color: Yuiko doesn't spend too much time in the sunlight and is slightly blond, while Leo has spent a lot of time in Africa.

I chose to leave out textures this time, I kind of wanted to have a second shape layers-only vector in my career as a vector artist XD Sounds like a lame excuse but the only raster layer I used was the signature (which isn't bubbly this time!) I went for a sunny, light and happy background because they look just so happy together! :nya:

I'd also like to announce (kind of a big word...) that I won't be doing vectors from popular series for a while. There are a lot of great less-known series out there and I want to spread the love for them! :D Most of them will be from manga scans so cross your fingers and hope I'll do a vector from a series you like lol

Please leave a comment if you like/dislike my vector, it was truly a challenge for me and I'd love to hear opinions! Thank you in advance and hope you have a good day! :)

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  1. eternalmemory May 27, 2008

    you did a great job, i really love it :D

  2. fukuro19 May 27, 2008

    wowwwww sooo cute great job!

  3. Sakura-Dust May 27, 2008

    I love the manga!
    I can't believe someone else read it too... I can't wait for chapter 7 *_*
    I usually don't read romance, but Beast Master is 100% addictive!
    The design is fabulous, the characters are well placed and the storyline actually made me cry.
    Beautiful vector <3
    I love the hair, but I think Leo's is black...
    Anyways, you did a great job vectoring that petite monochrome image!
    You go girl!

  4. erikamirou May 27, 2008

    ooooohhh i totaly love it! I love the colores outlines, they give such a nice touch to the vector *_*
    Keep it up! :)

  5. Kairi-Hearts May 27, 2008

    vectoring from small images + monochrome can be a bit difficult but you did great.
    the colors are really nice, I love how the hair is looking, really pretty.
    the use of colored lines is nice and it looks really pretty here.
    great job XD

  6. YoruAngel866 May 28, 2008

    it's not your best one but i love their hairs

  7. YENESIS May 29, 2008


  8. IzumiChan May 31, 2008

    Aww, that's so cute~ >w<
    I don't know the manga, but the guy seems to be so sweet, lol~ XD XD
    I loved it without textures, it's so clear it's not like it's missing something~ their hairs are pure love, congrats~ O_O
    Great colors too~ this is just wonderful, lol~ xDD
    Fingers crossed! Just so I know, have you read (and liked, lol~) any of Yoshizumi Wataru's mangas?~ >u<

  9. CosmoStar Jun 07, 2008

    This is surely deliciously cute!
    It has been ages since I last came to MT! And I'm impressed by the sweetness of this work of yours! I simply love this kind of couple image!
    I'll search for this manga when I have time! ^^
    Uhul! Congrats! +<3Fav

  10. auraderecca Aug 27, 2008

    AHHH Pande-chan! Nice work lolssss!

  11. MoonFangs90 Aug 04, 2010

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww <3
    soooo cuteeeeeeee <3
    I love beast master <333
    Thanx ^^

  12. Tiny17 Dec 03, 2010

    so cute! just neperedat))
    what are they pretty =)

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