
One Piece Wallpaper: Faces of Sanji

Eiichiro Oda, Toei Animation, One Piece, Sanji Wallpaper
Eiichiro Oda Mangaka Toei Animation Studio One Piece Series Sanji Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Made this wallie for Russian One Piece fan site. I'm not really a fan of OP lately though ^^', it's kinda sad.

All pictures are my coloring of fanarts made by popular Shounen Jump mangakas for 10th OP anniversary. Mane theme is Sanji as you can see ;) And I was trying for different styles for different mangakas, yup. ^^'
First lineart from the left belongs to Obata Takeshi (Death Note). I'm in love with his art, but coloring was total hell. >_<
Second one is by Oda himself, I took it from manga. Sadly the scan isn't good enough, so the ending result is really really crappy. >_<
Third one is made by Amano Akira. (Katekyo Htman Reborn!) It's my favorite. ^_^ Her (his?) art is clean and it's easy to work with.
And fourth lineart belongs to Konomi Takeshi (Prince of Tennis). As much as I luv TeniPuri, Konomi's art is so so, but this pic is pretty cool. *_*

Heh, I think wallpaper itself is kinda boring, but I can't do nothing with it. T_T

Bigger pic for Amano coloring:
at DA
Bigger one for Konomi: DA ^^
For Obata: same old

Background pic: at DA again

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  1. Meilinn Feb 27, 2009

    Sanji rocks in any way)))) Thank you)))))))

  2. Claireooi Jan 28, 2010

    woah....I gonna get tis le...

  3. Primaverah Mar 13, 2010

    Sanji-kun :$
    so handsome ~

    thnx alot ^^

  4. SukiRin May 28, 2010

    hm? i love all the sanjis!

  5. outsideofmy Aug 27, 2010

    thank you for the images this very good ones
    are the best it paginates of the web
    I like a lot they continue ahead it is a great project spirits..
    the images that have are not compared with any other very good
    resolutions this if it is good..

  6. Naya1986 Mute Member Oct 15, 2010

    kawaiii so cute
    thank you for wallpaper naka...
    i love One Piece very much...

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