Sanji rocks in any way)))) Thank you)))))))
Artist Comment
Made this wallie for Russian One Piece fan site. I'm not really a fan of OP lately though ^^', it's kinda sad.
All pictures are my coloring of fanarts made by popular Shounen Jump mangakas for 10th OP anniversary. Mane theme is
Sanji as you can see ;) And I was trying for different styles for different mangakas, yup. ^^'
First lineart from the left belongs to Obata Takeshi (Death Note). I'm in love with his art, but coloring was total
hell. >_<
Second one is by Oda himself, I took it from manga. Sadly the scan isn't good enough, so the ending result is
really really crappy. >_<
Third one is made by Amano Akira. (Katekyo Htman Reborn!) It's my favorite. ^_^ Her (his?) art is clean and
it's easy to work with.
And fourth lineart belongs to Konomi Takeshi (Prince of Tennis). As much as I luv TeniPuri, Konomi's art is so so,
but this pic is pretty cool. *_*
Heh, I think wallpaper itself is kinda boring, but I can't do nothing with it. T_T
Bigger pic for Amano coloring:
at DA
Bigger one for Konomi: DA ^^
For Obata: same old
Background pic: at DA again
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Meilinn Feb 27, 2009
Claireooi Jan 28, 2010
woah....I gonna get tis le...
Primaverah Mar 13, 2010
Sanji-kun :$
so handsome ~thnx alot ^^
SukiRin May 28, 2010
hm? i love all the sanjis!
outsideofmy Aug 27, 2010
thank you for the images this very good ones
are the best it paginates of the web
I like a lot they continue ahead it is a great project spirits..
the images that have are not compared with any other very good
resolutions this if it is good.. -
Naya1986 Mute Member Oct 15, 2010
kawaiii so cute
thank you for wallpaper naka...
i love One Piece very much...
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