
Vampire Knight Wallpaper: The Blood Tempation

Matsuri Hino, Studio DEEN, Vampire Knight, Zero Kiryuu, Yuuki Cross Wallpaper
Matsuri Hino Mangaka Studio DEEN Studio Vampire Knight Series Zero Kiryuu Character Yuuki Cross Character

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

My first Vampire Knight wall. Totally proud on it!
This scan had so many mistakes, like the one Zero's fingers was totally zigzag and totally creepy, his nails was shirt on fingers that are on the gate, and the little finger's nail was long etc.
The gate aren't the same like on the scan because this is my work for dark-wallies contest, outdoor one! So to make it be dark I had to make it black and it suits really great!
The hardest part was coloring their suits because I could hardly see the lines and the changed colors of this scan, but it ended really good and I absolutely love it.
Yuuki's hear KILLED me, I also had to reconstruct some parts using the thought that I had to make it from my head.
Outlines are colored and that's why I had 57 or more layers...The vector wasn't that easy to do at all, for example I had to make first gate, two curls of Yuuki's hair, then Zero's hair and so on, and so on. As I have seen there wasn't any mistakes.
Have to say that I put blood myself and this was first time that I made it look the way I wanted, and it's absolutely WOW! I made it look like he bitted her, I needed blood for competition and if there wasn't any the wallpaper would be pour and empty.
Background may seam a little usual, moon with tree in front, but I like this tree with birds and bird's nest on it, it makes ambient that shows when darkness fall there is still some light, and in this case life, and I LOVE IT.AND IT IS BLURRED BECAUSE IT PUTS THE CHARACTERS IN FIRST PLAN! Sky is read which means, for me at least, that the blood was spilled that night ( I like that sentence! "the blood was spilled last night" ). Yuuki and Zero are lately colored darker with only little bright on their faces. Maybe that was street light?! lol

That was it in short lines, I absolutely like this wallpaper of mine, really dark.
Well minna I hope you like it: FAVE X COMMENT X DOWNLOAD ! ! !
Here is the VECTOR

And this is something that organizer of dark-wallies told me to say:
If any of you have something to ask about entry for dark wallies to ask her yoruangel866 and she will tell you everything that you need to know. ^__^
vampire-knight dark-wallies vector-wallers vectory colorfull-wallies dream-wallies free--wallers timeless--rain

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  1. temarigenius Apr 28, 2008

    So many VK anime wallpapers these days~ Yay! :)
    The vector is totally perfect~ I love it~ And the background is red! >_< Love Red~ <3
    I also like the focus on Yuuki's a Zero's face~ ^^
    I guess the only weird part is the tree in the background... It's kinda blurry >.<
    But then the rest is awesome~ =3

    merged: 04-29-2008 ~ 06:52am
    I forgot to say this though but I love how you made Zero's teeth mark on Yuuki and the blood on Zero's mouth~

  2. CCN Apr 29, 2008


  3. Calimouse Apr 29, 2008

    I LOVE THIS! I am a huge VK fan, and an even huger ZeroxYuuki fan! Awesome work on this wallpaper! ^^

  4. ayumi2hagumi Apr 29, 2008

    Great work! totally love this one! thanks for sharing dear!

  5. Sinever Apr 29, 2008

    well I like your wall :D
    you did a wonderful job on th vector :D & the blood looks good :)
    but I agree with temari-chan about the trees ^_^'
    still its a wonderful wall & Im so happy to see more of VK walls these days :)

  6. Princekt Apr 29, 2008

    cool~! ><

  7. YoruAngel866 Apr 29, 2008

    Colorful outlines, great vectoring, excelent wallpaper, i like blured background because it fokus on characters,blood you put is beyond average. Great job girl!

  8. rika23 Apr 29, 2008

    simply <3 it x3

  9. thuyngoc Apr 29, 2008

    Wow *o* Great job!
    Thank U :D

  10. kakah Apr 29, 2008

    Yes great job..like it XD

  11. Animezealot5140 Restricted Member Apr 30, 2008

    Beautiful wallie! XD XD
    Love this so much. Im a huge fan of Zero x Yuki! :D :D :D
    Amazing vector. But i can't access d vector download. T__T
    The tree looks blur but in total its still perfect.
    Well done. Keep up the good job! :)
    +fav. Arigatou Gozaimasu! ;)

  12. eternalmemory Apr 30, 2008

    awesome wall! XD
    your vector is great as always
    good luck in your contest :D

  13. machimiko May 01, 2008

    totemo kakkoii!

    I've always liked that scan, so to have a beautiful wallie of it is very nice indeed. :) Great job!

    Thanks for sharing!

  14. Hanahanoiday May 01, 2008

    Wow this looks so awesome already from afar and closely looks this perfect,i like so this dark world between vampires.:) It's cool,and totally beautiful vector,this gloss is amazing.

  15. gabychan May 02, 2008

    Nice vector, I like how the background is dominated by dark red. It really fits the vampiric mood well.

  16. KaoruMikagami May 02, 2008

    nice.thanks for sharing

  17. Lariel May 02, 2008

    VK going strong! Yey! XDXD
    Beautiful- dark, scarlet red. You gotta love the atmosphere of this wall no matter what- good choice of colors too. The bloody moon and tree looks a bit weird from my perspective though.

  18. cagalliyulahibiki May 03, 2008

    wow! I like this! cool!

  19. pandemonium91 Retired Moderator May 03, 2008

    Awesome! I love the thin outlines (the vector is so big!) and the clarity of it all. Personally, I think it's a good thing you blurred the tree in the background, it makes focusing on the characters easier.
    The scan is so full of text! I can see why it was so difficult to see >_< You pulled it off beautifully though :)
    You've got my fave. Good luck in the contest and keep up the great work! :D

  20. lilmaggie22 May 03, 2008

    This wall is very very inntennnsee! ^^
    The gate is so nice and well done~( i can see you put a lot of effort in this!) The darkness behind, the red background and the moon(love the way how you made it glow), it does give this dark vampire atmosphere(especially the twisting trees!). Zero's hands ..its good that you corrected it! It looks much better. Good job on the vector too! The spotlight on their face is really well thought..since you really concentrate on that precise spot! The way you made zero"bit" yuuki !(no words to describe it..im really out of words..my head is empty!) But all i can say is: this is more than amazing! For a first VK wall, *nods....very impressive! I cant stop staring at it! (ah the spotligh on their face..the spotlight) haha kepp it up! Its a wonderful work!

  21. royaldarkness May 04, 2008

    Omg wow, this is absolutely beautiful!

  22. X-kai May 05, 2008

    WOW! :D Now this is truly amazing! ;)
    I love what you did with it, awsome job MoonFangs90! I love all your works :)

  23. Aiira May 10, 2008

    YAY! so nice ^^
    I love it..the dark color fits them perfectly..and the background is perfect with the scan that you used ^^
    I really love your new wallie and it's what I can call a masterpiece ^^

  24. sere-chan May 18, 2008

    Yeah! I love it *fav
    I take your Wall for Days as Desk BG and forgot to comment it T^T
    The effect with the darken Light fits the Wallpaper so good.

    I hope you win at the Conntest =)
    And pelase! Make more VK Wallpaper =3

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