
Clannad Wallpaper: Forever with you...

Kyoto Animation, Clannad, Tomoya Okazaki, Nagisa Furukawa Wallpaper
Kyoto Animation Studio Clannad Series,Visual Novel Tomoya Okazaki Character Nagisa Furukawa Character

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

edit -WOW elite?cant believe it thanx!*Hugs the one who put it there!*

Dedicated to kitten
I have a bad feeling christabel92 will kill me cause i finishe her bday present 2 weeks ago, her bday was on 3.4. and i was checking for mistakes, and then out of blue i submit this and i even make one aria wall with kitten! and so this wallie is 1st to go!
I finished watching clannad a day ago and suddenly became obsessed with clannad scans to vector! I'm glad they started going out and therefore the title "forever with you"

About vector:
dificullty: hard 9/10
my opinion: One if my best works,really! Really!Believe me!
Image had a things to reconstruck her badge (what's interesting it has K in it and my name is with K starting), one button,lots of lines on dress and i had to even reconstruct whole background! i used various normal brushes and i did what i could!
I tried my best to keep the lines same thickness and i even went back and corrected them for 4-5 times....I also enjoyed doing their eyes(used linear light and this is what i got) i was doing it till 2 am and i am pretty satisfied with result! and i didnt even used my brain to do it.Also the trees arent sakura and therefore they are purple(like it was on the SCAN) Oh and if i can see right this is first wallie with tomoya!


Layers :40+background-40=80
time: Around 8 h
funiest part:eyes
hardest part:chlotes
easiest part: eyes
program: Photoshop cs2
psd file size:80
vector-wallers vectory colorfull-wallies celestial-luminesse dream-wallies free--wallers timeless--rain clannad-fans kyoani-fans
Hope you like it kit-chan!

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  1. MoonFangs90 Apr 06, 2008

    well i say too this is one of your best! Great job paintiing background again!

  2. pandemonium91 Retired Moderator Apr 06, 2008

    Indeed, this is one of your best works! I like the background and how you made it look like trees and blurred them :) The outlines are pure love, they're so thin! You have my fave, keep up the good work and continue submitting such lovely works! :D

  3. haruhis2kyon Apr 06, 2008

    I love the overall feel, and obviously the awesome vectoring. Though the background is a tad too blurry, but it still complements well with the characters. The elegant colours works well, which contributes a lot to the feel. Anyway, great work! ^^

  4. temarigenius Apr 06, 2008

    Wow~ You finished this fast o_0

    Anyways, for the Tomoya and Nagisa vector, you can say that it's one of your best~ ^^
    The vector is nice~
    But I think that the background could be better~
    Overall, it's great~
    I was actually planning to vector this scan too because they're just so cute together in the last episode~ But Ah well~ I couldn't have done a better job than you anyways~ =3

  5. saki-xan Apr 06, 2008

    Also I think it is one of your best works <3 The vector is very good, but should work the end of the line because they are round OX Overall wallpaper is very good, especially the background ^___^

  6. kashikosa Apr 06, 2008

    Yup, this is one of your best (and just the other time you said you weren't skilled at fine lineart - so what do you call this?). Very nice vectoring, the background is nice, kudos on the work.

  7. Omone Apr 06, 2008

    yep, i have to agree with the others.. one of your best works so far.. you did very well with the outlines and the backgrounds looks nice.. i like the colors you used!

  8. christabel92 Apr 06, 2008

    yeah..of course I'm gonna kill you!but I'll leave that for latter and give you another chance,because I haven't finished your bd present ether... :(
    I think this wall would be better if it was lighter,but what the heck...It looks ok this way too ^^

  9. Kitaan Retired Moderator Apr 06, 2008

    Great job on the vector, it looks very beautiful.
    The bg is nice and I like that you blurred it,
    remove the text...It just doesn't go to me and it
    messes up the wall.

    But it's one of your best, very good job on it.
    and Thanks so much for the dedication ^^ I <3 it

  10. ASH-Hikari Apr 06, 2008

    I agree, this is one of your best yet! :D Beautiful job, I really love it ^^ Well done with the reconstructing too :)
    I don't think the text is necessary, but it's pretty unnoticeable anyways.
    Overall great work! <3 NagisaxTomoya~

  11. Devilet Apr 06, 2008

    Hmm, from the thumb, I thought the background would be too blurry.
    But when I downloaded it, seems just fine.
    Nice job on everything :)

  12. Chloe Retired Moderator Apr 06, 2008

    Looks good! The vectoring is neat and I love the background. My only problem is that the characters seems a tiny bit too dark compared to the bg. Other than that, nicely done!

  13. minamiyukihimenonaka Apr 11, 2008

    Yup, that's fine with me about that text. Your BG look so smooth (are you sure done with normal brush only!?) hiyaa that's amazing..the first wall i'm see with Tomoya character, cause most of all clannad gallery fully with girls after all. Notice this, i'll start to fave you right now,ok!

    merged: 04-11-2008 ~ 06:45pm
    Yup, that's fine with me about that text. Your BG look so smooth (are you sure done with normal brush only!?) hiyaa that's amazing..the first wall i'm see with Tomoya character, cause most of all clannad gallery fully with girls after all. Notice this, i'll start to fave you right now,ok!

    merged: 04-11-2008 ~ 06:45pm
    Yup, that's fine with me about that text. Your BG look so smooth (are you sure done with normal brush only!?) hiyaa that's amazing..the first wall i'm see with Tomoya character, cause most of all clannad gallery fully with girls after all. Notice this, i'll start to fave you right now,ok!

  14. theartmaster Nov 18, 2008

    Great wallpaper! Love the colors, the dark colors fit well. Fav.

  15. cherrykame Mar 06, 2009

    so cute^^

  16. XxFadedxX Mar 19, 2009

    S Yup, that's fine with me about that text. Your BG look so smooth (are you sure done with normal brush only!?) hiyaa that's amazing..the first wall i'm see with Tomoya character, cause most of all clannad gallery fully with girls after all. Notice this, i'll start to fave you right now,ok!

    merged: 04-11-2008 ~ 06:45pm
    Yup, that's fine with me about that text. Your BG look so smooth (are you sure done with normal brush only!?) hiyaa that's amazing..the first wall i'm see with Tomoya character, cause most of all clannad gallery fully with girls after all. Notice this, i'll start to fave you right now,ok!

    merged: 04-11-2008 ~ 06:45pm
    Yup, that's fine with me about that text. Your BG look so smooth (are you sure done with normal brush only!?) hiyaa that's amazing..the first wall i'm see with Tomoya character, cause most of all clannad gallery fully with girls after all. Notice this, i'll start to fave you right now,ok!

  17. xxxSaigonoNamidaxxx May 27, 2009

    certainly, a bittersweet canonic relationship - love the wallpaper

  18. Hikaru205 Nov 04, 2009

    Lovely couple
    Thanks for sharing this nice scan

  19. Fensuz Dec 30, 2009

    Vlw pelo wallpaper........................

  20. wafflefox Feb 27, 2010

    Really good wallpaper! is so cute!

  21. AirJack Mar 22, 2010

    very lovely wallpaper! Thank you

  22. saddako Jul 27, 2010

    good job, it's great
    thank u very much for sharing

  23. Chomolys Aug 02, 2010

    i like what you've done with the background ;3 well done !

  24. sapphire07 Sep 18, 2010

    Really love the couple and love the wallpaper. It really is great!

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