
Uchuu no Stellvia Wallpaper: Invincible army

Uchuu no Stellvia, Shima Katase Wallpaper
Uchuu no Stellvia Series Shima Katase Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

this is a WP i just made late at night because i reallly don´t anything better to do and becasue im having an artists block, and it´s really gettign irritating>< i can´t think of any new ideas for Wp´s and as a side effect i just sit at my computer thinking what to do so i just had to make something. the idea came after finding the image in my folder after a while of doing nothing and then i decided just to play around with it and see what came out and this is the finall result. i got the orignal scan from www.boyis.com after hours of just looking at every gallery they had, yes that is my life, it is what i do every day of my miserable existencs :hmpf:

it isnpt meant to be somethign important but i guess i like the end result

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  1. Noctum Aug 10, 2004

    The character was drawn by Yukirin.
    You can find a larger and cleaned up scan of that girl here on MT in the Yukirin gallery, by the way. ;)

  2. pinkdoremi Aug 10, 2004

    i really like it :) the scan u chose is really pretty and it really matches with the bg. great job! ^^

  3. devideman Aug 10, 2004

    good wall

  4. Yuna4862 Nov 08, 2004

    Nice job! Its really cool looking! ^__^
    Wow, Yukirin make the most beautiful drawings....

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