I kinda predicted that someone will vector and wall this XD
Another Wallpaper from you with a sunset =3 But it looks great~
I like the color you used, really fits Nagisa's Hair :nya:
The vector is perfect as usual~ =3 And the lighting is great~ As expected from you XD
This wallpaper is really Nice~ ^^
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temarigenius Mar 30, 2008
kashikosa Mar 30, 2008
We~ll... the vector is really nice and the bg and lighting is really something... (I shall leave out the KyoAni issues). The perspective is very good, the colours are simply adorable. Good job overall. (Although I'd kill the text... The wall looks complete without it)
ASH-Hikari Mar 30, 2008
Aw, don't make me cry ;_;
It's absolutely beautiful, everything is flawless, I can't even believe how perfect the background came out. And of course the vector is so nice I could just look at it forever.
Thanks so much for this! I love it so much and I really appreciate it, you've actually cheered me up a lot ^^ *Hugs* -
YoruAngel866 Mar 30, 2008
well this is beautiful! love the blured hand and blured background.
and eyes are beautiful!
Sinever Mar 30, 2008
WOW :o
this wall of yours is simply gorgeous XD
everything is perfect XD
its a fav XD
well done little one ;) -
zaira Mar 31, 2008
well is saw someone creates wallpaper with the same scan used
but yours stick with the original background which i like it better :D
the whole blurry background is totally fit the whle atmosphere of the wallie!
the vector is the one focus which is sharp! love the uberly nice outlines + the cleanliness of the
whole vector as usual! XD the and whats make this wallie much beautful? yup! is the nice lighting
you created! great work on that! ;) sure CLANNAD series are good in making lighting stuffs huh?
well overall love the concept + vector and double love for the widescreen version! ;)
+fav! -
AnimesKA Mar 31, 2008
nagisa is sooo cute!
Lariel Mar 31, 2008
Ish that Tomoya's hands? O_O I'm guessing it is.
Well, down to point- to be blunt and straight- IT'S PERFECT. I haven't been a fan of Clannad lately, but this piccy of Nagisa is awesome! XD Your skills amaze me as usual. -
xKai Mar 31, 2008
Saw this in AP and fav it there
should do the same here too XDSince you say you don;t take note of AP comment so i paste it here too =P
*copy paste from AP*
Agree with nitemare1004 about the background part and making the character the main focus.
My fav color is orange too haha that why this wallie caught my attention straight >:3
Somehow i find the lighting in the wall is a little weird since looking at the window the sunlight is coming in from the right side, and the characters standing at the right wall shouldn't have lighting on them right? O well who cares~
Good job there =D +fav -
MissyG Mar 31, 2008
The vector is so beautiful and the background + lighting looks really well made!
I'm not a big fan of Nagisa either but she's just looks so cute in this. :3
Very good job! -
Omone Mar 31, 2008
wow it's totally awesome!
the background looks so great..
i wanna have the same painting abilities like you ._.
and nagisa of course looks so cute.. neat and clean vector as expected from you =D
very well done =D -
DarthTofu Apr 01, 2008
Nice, lighting is not perfect, but still really good. love the use of blur for focus.
uh, sorry I've been so absent lately.merged: 04-01-2008 ~ 08:57am
oh yeah, I love how the shadows are purple, brings out the orange more. :D -
templa Apr 01, 2008
pandemonium91 Retired Moderator Apr 02, 2008
Hm, I have something against those eyes >_> I don't know, I just don't like that type of eyes - it's not your fault, I think you made them look better than they were. As for the other parts of the vector, I'd say they're beautifully done - I especially like how you focused on the girl and blurred the hands.
But my favorite part of this wall has to be the lighting - superb! I really am speechless when I look at it! :D
+fave! -
Chloe Retired Moderator Apr 02, 2008
^ Lol, yeah, I don't like Key eye styles either XD
Argh, so awesome!
The perspective is great and the vectoring is neatly done, as usual! Love the blurriness!
Great job!
smk Apr 05, 2008
how come theres no gallery for clannad? nice pic
auel1124 Apr 05, 2008
nice wall! I love how you vectored the character and painted the background, and the effects of the hands! makes it look way nicer :) adding it to my favs!
Haven100 Apr 06, 2008
Nice Wall^^ I really like the lighting the most :D Keep up the good work^^
AriaHime Jun 18, 2009
It's beautiful. Even though it's simple, it seems that you payed a LOT of attention to the details. The lighting, the vector, even small touches like the hands and the background being out of focus so it's looks like you are actually inside the scene. Like I said, beautiful. :)
ciel-in-a-dress May 29, 2010
really nice. It's beautiful. I like the hands... <3
chenrenshe Mute Member May 31, 2010
i like the two hair. haha .
natsudesu Oct 02, 2010
Nagisa is very lovely^^
thanks for sharing
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