
Clannad Wallpaper: Dango Dango

Kyoto Animation, Clannad, Nagisa Furukawa Wallpaper
Kyoto Animation Studio Clannad Series,Visual Novel Nagisa Furukawa Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

It's been a while since I last submitted a wallpaper, an actual anime one at that. I was recently introduced to Clannad a couple weeks ago by a friend. I'm not one to enjoy cute anime dramas, but Clannad was somehow different. I loved the series and have seen all the episodes that have been released and I must admit, I very much enjoy the show now. It's hard for me to come across anime I enjoy so I was glad to have found one more.

I imagined it was about time to change my desktop so I wanted a Clannad wallpaper. Unfortunately, I couldn't decide which one to use and ended up making my own. I needed (lol yeah needed) to have the dangos in this wall which is why I chose this scan. Dango's have truly touched my heart ;)

Some Clannad fans might find it weird to see Nagisa in a "not as cute as normal" look without all the beautiful shades and what not xD However, I didn't want all her beautiful colors and shades cause I'm just odd like that :nya:

This will be my last submission for a while since I'm preparing for SAKURA CON! Yeah, also I'm doing some drawing practices to improve. Nothing good for submissions, but just sketches ^_^'

simple-ism vectory vector-wallers the-planning-board doujinshi-support-club

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  1. haruhis2kyon Mar 22, 2008

    Hey! Nice wall--reminds me of my own Dango wall. x]

  2. sakuranb Mar 22, 2008

    oh, i like this alot. the colors are adorable, and the vector is nice and clean. good job. :D

  3. Morphee Mar 22, 2008

    i really like this :)
    the vector is real smooth and i love those retro colors and the texture you used.
    great job! XD

  4. KriisEH Mar 23, 2008

    It's original!
    No shades/highlights, makes it very special as a wallpaper. :) It's as if it was drawn, colored simply which is very cool! :D And the colors chosen are very warm!
    Nagisa looks so enthusiastic, heheh. ;)

    Nice work!
    + Adds to fave! <3

  5. DarthTofu Mar 24, 2008

    Aww, yay, such a happy wall. Kinda reminds me of burger king cups. xD

  6. ronvic101 Mar 30, 2008

    Dango Daikazoku!

  7. IzumiChan Mar 31, 2008

    Aww, loved the simple color palette and the textures~ so cute and nice~ :D
    At first I thought you should have at least made the white part of her eyes, but then again, it looks better without it. :D
    Great work, a really original clannad wallpaper~ :)

  8. Etoile-chan Jun 15, 2008

    Kawaii desu! <3

    "Dango, dango, dango, dango, dango daikazoku..." ^^; heh heh~

  9. Atemina Oct 04, 2010

    I love this anime! I love this character! Nagisa is so kawaii! ^___^

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