
Dogs: Bullets and Carnage Wallpaper: Send from above?

Miwa Shirow, Dogs: Bullets and Carnage, Nill Wallpaper
Miwa Shirow Mangaka Dogs: Bullets and Carnage Series Nill Character

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Another Nill wallpaper, and again it's widescreen and 4:3.
This time around it's a vector from a rather small image I found on OneManga, the whole scene was rather adorable. I'd just ignore such emo rants (I've become rather blunt when it comes to whining) but unlike me Nill is a cute girl so she cares.
There wasn't really much to this wall exept vectoring, I also tried some falling in light effects but I don't know how I feel about that yet, if anyone knows a good tutorial for this let me know. I also had some trouble picking the colors and I made slight changes to her dress.

When I started I had something really spectacular in mind, but when I look at it now it seems kind of boring to me.

Textures from DA! and patterns from Hybrid Genesis.

Time spent on this wall: 12~15h

Hope you enjoy and here's the 4:3 version.

vector-wallers theunderappreciated

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  1. kashikosa Mar 13, 2008

    Awesome work with the colouring of the scan. The colours you chose are harmonious, the lighting wonderfully set. This is absolutely gorgeous I love everything about this wall, Nill is just waay too cute!
    Personally for me this is a spectacular wall even if you don't think so... (Definitely shows you who the artist here is...)
    PS. regretfully I can have only one wallpaper, so for now the nouveau Nill stays XD

  2. Saikusa Retired Moderator Mar 13, 2008

    It's no secret that this is one of my favourite manga series. I've seen this image used in hundreds of icons & banners, but this is the first time I've seen it successfully used in a wallpaper, and a vector.

    It's an interesting combination of dark foreboding colours with the graceful pose & movement of her hair and dress. You've captured the moment perfectly, and you do yourself an injustice to call this 'boring' or just a vector. This is a classic reproduction & a beautiful example of artistic interpretion of a tiny black & white image.

  3. Fran Retired Moderator Mar 13, 2008

    T_T this is wonderful!
    I love everything! It's incredible! The coloring is...wow, amazing! The lighting is also perfect.
    Excellent job!

  4. asa00 Mar 14, 2008

    ever since seeing that image of nill (first time as part of a web layout and second time when i read the manga), i've wanted to wall that scene. (i've been procrastination it though.) xD you beat me to it and you've done quite a nice job. just a couple of things though: i don't quite like the darker layer right next to the highlights of her hair (probably a personal style thing); the shading layers of her skin seem too grayish; and at the top of where her right wing is attached to her back, there is this semi-circle that is neither the color of the wing or skin...looks kinda like the shading color on her arms, actually.

    my nit-picky points aside, i applaud your effort and skill at transforming a manga image into a colored piece. :]

  5. filo05 Mar 14, 2008

    how can you say that this is boring? It's beautiful! thge colouring the awesome vector, it's perfect for me XD

  6. drastikhate Mar 14, 2008

    Awesome....... You coloured this even without referring. =D

  7. Sinever Mar 14, 2008

    awesome & yay its a widescreen wall XD
    I love the whole wall XD
    & you've done an excellent job on the coloring XD
    well done its fav & its an *excellent* highlight ;)

  8. Kairi-Hearts Mar 14, 2008

    finally I see it vectored and walled! nill is <33
    everything is just incredible. the coloring is lovely and well done ^^

  9. selemental Banned Member Mar 14, 2008

    It;s a great wallie/vector! Thanks so much for sharing it with us! <3


  10. melymay Mar 15, 2008

    Wow. Sweet vectoring :D I really like this ^_^ Although the transition from her skin to her wings bothers me a bit. I don't know why though. Overall, this wallpaper still looks great. Awesome job :)

  11. sailorchiron Mar 15, 2008

    No, seriously, it's spectacular. I love it.

  12. macaneko Mar 16, 2008

    it's wonderful :)
    love it

  13. MapleRose Retired Moderator Mar 17, 2008

    nice vectoring ^^ nice work on the shading, I'm jealous of your cell-shading skills =P

  14. KaoruMikagami Mar 19, 2008

    nice wall.it is seriously beautiful

  15. lastwilight Nov 24, 2008

    Wow so beautiful! Great work! She's so cute!

  16. Tekopp Dec 23, 2008

    You are hereby my favorite vector-er. Or something. Coloring looks so damn fine *w*

  17. Sayori-chan Jan 28, 2009

    It's very beautiful. Good job!^^

  18. shinonome69 Apr 04, 2009

    This really beautiful...I love everything about it :)

  19. Evercold Mute Member May 28, 2009

    Aaa... Wa... *___* I have no word indeed 0_0 Cool... Beautiful work))))

  20. Princekt Jun 20, 2009

    angle lolz

    remind me of black cat

  21. bigjoker90 Sep 02, 2009

    Wow so beautiful Good job

  22. iliasia Oct 30, 2009

    great photos i love this anime is just wonderful

  23. Kodoki Dec 02, 2009

    So cute! I like it^^ Nice colours and concept.

  24. Mikel Dec 14, 2009

    Awesome ! o_O
    I Love it !

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