Aww~ It's so cute >_<
I love the bright colors and feeling his wallpaper have >_<
And wow, her hair looked crazy... *_* Anyways, awesome job! ^^
You should sleep for a whole day now XD
Artist Comment
dificullty: hard 8/10
my opinion:This is one of my best worka and also fave ones. I'm satisfied
with result and i died from vectoring her hair!Somebody tell me not to vector Misuzu again! so many hair lines.....her
dress was so interesting to do...she is just sooooooooooo cute!
i'll write more later since i feel sleepy..
Layers :152
time: Around 28 h
funiest part:dress
hardest part:hair
easiest part: dress
original resolution :4000x3000
program: Photoshop cs2
scan url from minitokyo, will search
later for it
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temarigenius Mar 03, 2008
kashikosa Mar 03, 2008
Don't you have another Misuzu vector planned...? XD
Personally I never liked the series... After watching the whole thing I felt 'WTF?!' KyoAni has always made spectacular animes (high budget - high quality of designs and stuff...) but their plots almost always tire me down so I end up not finishing the series (vide: Kanon, Haruhi, recently Clannad). I had a little exception in LuckyStar but it's not a typical KyoAni.
Back to the vector... Nice work, but I'm not sure I like the lineart... I think it would've looked better if it was coloured... the bold black lines make Misuzu's hair way too messy for me...But I do like the eyes - you've managed to keep the KyoAni style - congrats on that they look like straight from the anime XD
Overall, good work.
now, go to sleep, you shouldn't tire yourself out with vectoring! -
ASH-Hikari Mar 03, 2008
Wow, you finished it! Great :D It looks pretty good. It's true, Misuzu hair can be crazy to vector >.< It would have been even harder if you had used shape layers >.< The dress might have actually looked better with coloured outlines but it still came out fine. Misuzu really is adorable :D The clouds are a tad grainy (maybe smudging them a bit would have helped) but you've already worked so hard on this wall; one can only do so much :D Love it!
filo05 Mar 04, 2008
wow! It looks great! XD I really like the vector work that you made ( yes I know misuzu's hair is so hard to vector....) mmm I agree with ASH-Hikari about the clouds and the dress but still I love it! Excelent job as always!
EevaLeena Mar 04, 2008
Waii! It's my birthday gift! Thanks a lot, yoru-chan! >.<
It's perfect! But like other's said... it might better if you used colored outlines. I've vector Misuzu twice already, and I used colored outlines for both coz black outlines makes her look a little messy (esp on her hair). But fear not! It's still good.. and of course I LOVE it! Thanks for the gift, Yoru-chan! oh yeah... I'll post my birthday gift for you later today... ;)
btw... I'll be the one who'll tell you this "Don't vector Misuzu again!" AHAHAHA... I know your pain. I've been through this twice already.. and I don't think want to do it again! But didn't you had another Misuzu to vector? X-P
Sinever Mar 04, 2008
nice wall :D
the vector is looking good & as kashi-chan said the hair lines looks a bit messy ^_^' sorry :)
the bg looks good & fits nicely with the vector :)
well done girl & keep it up ;) -
MoonFangs90 Mar 04, 2008
I like it, its really great, using the thing that almost all misuzu vectors are with colorful outlines I like it black, for change. Why does every vectors must be same? Anyway I really like it, and you did amazing job. Great clouds give atmosphere that she deserves on this wallpaper! Really really great work!
Kairi-Hearts Mar 04, 2008
hmm....vector more misuzu scans XD I'm so loving this. (yea, her hair is a pain to vector)
great work. clean vector, pretty colors and a fitting bg for the vector ^^ pretty~
be proud! your hard work payed off! :nya: -
xAnime4Lifex Mar 05, 2008
Another nice work. I was thinking about doing this scan too. >_< The colors are really soft and nice. My only concern would probably be all that thick black outlines in the front of her hair, it just makes it look a bit messy. But other than that, it's great! Especially the eyes. :)
abul Mar 10, 2008
well to be honest, the vector is not as neat as i know u can do
the lines are too thick and round in the ends
theyre too rough and ugly for that kind of pic
but the colouring is ok :)ps sorry if my latest comments sound mean, i just want you to improve and if ill hide your flaws, ull never improve right :)
BBShadowCat Mar 14, 2008
beautiful and cute! I wish it was in a bigger resolution! Good job with the hair though! I would have probably given up half way
magicalmircle Jun 10, 2008
Oh wow! This is a great wallpaper! Your time on this really paid off. Good job!
SPLASHprod Dec 09, 2008
you did such a great job on her hair! it looks great ^.^
her eyes are very cute as well =) -
radiantarchangel Jan 17, 2009
oh god she looks so cute *-*
daniticha Mar 14, 2009
Misuzu's dress is so beautifull *.*
Misuzu is really cute xD -
Sitsu-chan01 Mar 16, 2009
abelini4 Mute Member Sep 12, 2009
LhadyApril21 Jan 30, 2010
misuzu looks sweet^^kawaii
SeoNarang Mute Member Nov 08, 2010
thanks for sharing...... so perfect ^.^
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