
Dogs: Bullets and Carnage Wallpaper: Escape the Noise; Escape the Death

Dogs: Bullets and Carnage, Naoto Fuyumine Wallpaper

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Maaaaaaaaaaan, has it been a long time since I made wallpaper, or what? I've been in something of an artistic slump and I could never find any inspiration. This wallpaper is probably gonna be the only creation I make for a while. I'm still not feeling too artistic, and I'm rather surprised I could even get this one done. Now, on to the wallpaper!

First off, I lined and vectored Dogs ~ Gentle Touch by Saikusa. Now, before anyone starts to complain and point out the obvious, YES I colored Naoto wrong. I did on purpose becaaaause.... well because I felt like it. Anyway, because she is covering her ears, I immediatly came up with the whole "Escape from the Noise" theme. So I thought to myself: "What's something that is noisey that is usually hard to get away from?" Well, duh, a big city is something that is usually hard to escape from. And then I thought: "Well, big cities equals over development, and over development means death of nature." So BAM, that's why the wilted flower is there and why the subtext reads 'Escape the Death'. And now I'll leave interpreting the rest of it up to ya'll.

Layers: 120+
Software: MS Digital Suite and PS6
Fonts: From DaFonts
Est. Time Spent: 12-15 hrs.

vector-wallers vectory


Enjoy this one, guys and gals!

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  1. sailorchiron Mar 02, 2008

    I like the textury-ness and stuff. Very cool.

  2. jmcjacob Feb 18, 2010

    I love the title of this one gose towards the true meaning of dog

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