
Air Gear Wallpaper: The Sky King - Awakened

Oh! Great, Air Gear, Itsuki Minami Wallpaper
Oh! Great Mangaka Air Gear Series Itsuki Minami Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

After catching up to the latest Air Gear chapter, I felt I had to have its art on my desktop, and as soon as I saw this scan:


I knew I had to have a go colouring it in, trying to convey the atmosphere and the "wow-ness" when I first read the chapter!

It took a while choosing what colours to have as it was not what Ikki would usually wear, while trying to get it to work well with the overall colours of the wallpaper. In the end i settled for a bluish-type wallpaper as it would go well the starry night atmosphere.

I also did a lot of tweaking with the background stars and clouds,to try and have it more suit the image. There were a few changes here and there but in the end I was happy with it.

As for the bird(?) in the background I actually had no idea what colour its meant to be. Its never been coloured in the manga or seen in the anime. Though since one of Ikki's nicknames is Crow, and they usually have a crow to symbolically represent him riding his ATs I went for the darker coloured feathers.

So...that's about it, hope you enjoy and tell me what you think.

Btw, I submitted this wall a few days ago on animepaper.net, for those of you who might recognize it. Though my account name is different there so I had to change the sig to match the name here :)

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  1. Saikusa Retired Moderator Feb 16, 2008

    I think you've made a perfect choice with the colours, in fact it almost looks offcial! Very moody & atmospheric that fits the setting perfectly. Thanks for sharing it here too :)

  2. abul Feb 16, 2008

    the colouring is just awesome
    the only flaw is the sky on the background >_< it looks off
    other than that, great job!

  3. Animezealot5140 Restricted Member Feb 16, 2008

    Sugoiiiiiiiiiii! XD
    Everything's perfect. +fav.
    Arigatou Gozaimasu! :)

  4. Daheji Feb 16, 2008

    Wow, it really looks like a colored scan!
    Just amazing! I love it. :p

  5. Eisritter Banned Member Feb 21, 2008

    I've seen a lot of people try to color this scan but this one is definitely the best I've seen

  6. Piso May 02, 2008

    Well as a fan of Air Gear, that coloring is perfect. The sky the atmosphere, clouds you choose a great color scheme and it worked like magic.

    Great job

  7. Paptawan Jul 23, 2008

    my sky king

  8. kon-91 Oct 25, 2008

    IKKI is the best!

  9. ZeroZaro Apr 11, 2009

    Hottie hot Ikki can be the King of my world anyday
    I like this pic cause it kool and unorignal. It's amazing

  10. Tabeko Aug 26, 2009

    Waaah~ So cool! :3

  11. abelini4 Mute Member Sep 14, 2009

    beautifull ^_^...

  12. tsukiko1989 Mute Member Nov 01, 2009

    thanks for cool wallpaper((=

  13. nobugsplease Banned Member Nov 30, 2009

    awesome wall paper the colouring is good

  14. CHAOSXIII Dec 27, 2009

    That wallpaper looka so so cool

  15. Shura131 Jan 30, 2010

    That wallpaper looka so so cool
    the only flaw is the sky on the background >_< it looks off

  16. aurora22 Jan 31, 2010

    Nice Scan:D Thanks a lot for sharing:D

  17. daysinha Feb 26, 2010

    Very nice! Beautiful! Thanks so much!

  18. Vampiregirl4 Mar 17, 2010

    I dont like him but he looks cool gotta admit ^^

  19. Tiptoe Mar 21, 2010

    It's a good wallpaper, thanks

  20. jamblang21 May 17, 2010

    Ikki let's fight continues to be the strongest

  21. kUr0-sAmA May 23, 2010

    the sky king... ne?

  22. aoishikuroizuki May 29, 2010

    i love it,,,,,it's awesome!

  23. Jinchuuriki65 Mute Member Jul 22, 2010

    Oh, Yeah it's so good
    Really good work and magnificent pic
    Keep up the good work
    THANKS for sharing it
    Really love it! (n_n).

  24. ichij1 Aug 14, 2010

    Nice job, you really made it look awsome

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