
Inuyasha Wallpaper: Lord of the West

Rumiko Takahashi, Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru Wallpaper
Rumiko Takahashi Mangaka Inuyasha Series Sesshoumaru Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

As the manga is now slowly approaching it's end I thought I could do something Inu Yasha related with one of my fav chars. Imho Sesshomaru is in so many ways better than Inu Yasha and his entourage is also better than Inu Yasha's. Rin and Jaken are funnier than Shippo and Miroku, Kohaku is more emo than Sango and Kagura+Sesshomaru was better than Kagome+Inu Yasha. (Note: I don't want to start a big who's better fight here because actually I still love them all)

This wallie was also done as my personal vectoring challenge, I wanted to see how well I could do a vector of a clean image. After I had his head and hair finished however I got this sudden impression that the whole thing sucked so I put it to rest for about 1 or 2 months and today decided to finish it out of sudden a whim. So as you see Sesshomaru himself was vectored while the background is an obscure mixture of vectoring, painting and smudging over the original background, to top it off and because I can't do a thing without textures I added one as well, however it gives a nice touch on the sky.
The texture was taken from DA! the scan is from Aethereality.
Hope you enjoy this and here's a
version without texture.

vector-wallers theunderappreciated

Spoiler (show)

If Sesshomaru and his gang actually get out of Naraku alive I shall make a vector wall with Fluffy-Jaken-Rin in it as well XD

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  1. yothsothgoth Feb 16, 2008

    If anyone is interested, the original one is here: http://gallery.aethereality.net/download.php?id=2176

    I'd thought that I had seen this one somewhere before or something like it. ^_^'
    I've don't believe that I've seen anyone vector a clean scan, mostly I see them cleaning it up.
    ^^ Its much larger than the original, everything seems very crisp and neat.
    ...I'm looking forward to your spoiler...

    Thanks again for sharing. :)

  2. Sakura-Dust Feb 16, 2008

    Sesshoumaru can't/won't die... He's beloved by fans, we, fan-girls will hate Rumiko if she 'kills him'.
    I like your wallie. This image is pretty overused, but it's good looking and you vectored it really well. I love the simplicity of the background.
    And yeah, I hate kag/inu too, I hate kag in fact... and Inu's quite useless, without his sword, he's dead >.<
    Care to join sesshomaru-luvin
    We have few submissions... one from me, one from you, help the gallery grow XD

  3. markjo May 31, 2008

    Sesshomaru is definitely waaay better than Inuyasha, though his ego is sky high. I admit that I stopped reading the manga pretty soon after Sesshomaru appeared, so I have no clue about his character's further development.
    The wallpaper itself is a keeper, as usually :) .

  4. krisjunaeien Nov 13, 2008

    He is also my favorite character, and keeps getting beter

  5. AnimeRoxz Nov 14, 2008

    SHESSHOU! lovely vector! this might look simple but obviously there more to that! +fav!

  6. rinoa586 Aug 27, 2009


  7. DETHORIN Sep 26, 2009

    Sessomaru is the best and more powerfull

  8. panze2 Oct 12, 2009

    thanks for this very beautiful wallpaper

  9. jaguaraguar Nov 30, 2009

    sesshomaru is the best very nice wallpaper

  10. nova5 Jan 09, 2010

    great one, i like it..... thanks ^_^

  11. tsukikosuou Feb 28, 2010

    Thank you for nice sharing!((=

  12. Christelle Apr 20, 2010

    Thanks so much for picture ^^

  13. Raina1985 May 07, 2010

    Ohhh...sessy! very nice wallpaper of him.

  14. wlmsn Mute Member Jun 07, 2010


  15. Nammunzz Oct 11, 2010


    thanks a lot :))

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