
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle: Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle

CLAMP, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle, Mokona, Fay D. Flourite, Syaoran Li
CLAMP Mangaka Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle Series,OVA Mokona Character Fay D. Flourite Character Syaoran Li Character


Artist Comment

I was up to something stupid.. then this came out.. lol...
I wanted try something really complicated, to see how hard it is.. it wasn't so much hard, because I adore the characters, so I enjoyed staring in them while vectoring *_*...
At first I wanted to do it the same as the original scan ([url=this onehttp://gallery.minitokyo.net/view/201483/]this one[/url]), but while vectoring I remade the parts that were covered by tree and candles, and later I just couldnt bring myself to put that tree and candles in front of them again... I'd feel sorry for the parts I remade! So the tree is in the background now ^_^. And candles are gone ^_^. (What were the candles doing on that tree anyway?!)

The easyest one to vector was Kurogane, and Sakura was the hardest... but I still love her... cute little thing... and I wanna have toy like the one she's holding! It so pretty..

I'm sorry if background isn't perfect, but I was already very tired while making it, wanted to finish as quick as I could, but that didn't really work like that, my computer is really slow with this things, it needs about 15 minutes just to open it in photoshop, and then half an hour to save, it ate all my nerves, lol....... when I just started coloring it, after 3 hours of coloring, computer blocked and wouldn't unblock again, so I had to turn it off and color again from beggining... (that was the sad part for me)

I needed 9 days to make it.. I think I'm gonna sleep trough a few months now...
I hope you like the vector :D

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  1. aneznam Jan 07, 2008

    me so proud!
    look at me! 0_0 <--- !


  2. lacus21 Jan 07, 2008

    Wow! Nice Vector!

  3. Erdbeermilch Jan 07, 2008

    What hardships you went through ^_^'
    I actually know how frusturating it is when your programm just dies and you haven't saved, happened quite a few times to me (still does). Sometimes I just wanted to smash my computer afterwards.
    Anyway it's a good vector, I can't believe you did it at such a high resolution, I would've died. The background is all right in my opinion, so don't worry. I acually like it better without candles, it's like you said: "What are they doing there anyways?"
    They're standing on a branch. o_0

  4. zaira Jan 07, 2008

    wow! this one is a big vector :D
    same here! it really sucks when you are doing something really hard and then your com will just hanged out or dies and you didn't save it XO
    anyways i'm glad you finished your vector :D
    well nice vector! love the colors though they are much brighter than the original + you made the background with a sakura brushes right and too bad you removed those candles T_T
    but i guess your purpose is to focus on the characters :)
    overall great vector! ;) +fav!

  5. entity1660 Jan 07, 2008

    Oh my goodness! This is so awesome! I wanted to attempt this scan but I didn't have the guts to. >< I think the sakura blossoms look great, but the tree branch could use some touching up. But it's awesome! And I know how it is: PS can be a turd when it freezes and it closes on you. I've had it happen to me a lot of times on my laptop. Really annoying. ><

  6. milla-chan Jan 07, 2008

    wow.....im stunned O_O
    its absolute fantastic
    you can defently be proud of yourself ;)
    thank you for sharing ^_^

  7. Kairi-Hearts Jan 07, 2008

    oh my! you're crazy XD
    you can be proud of yourself. This is fantastic.
    too bad you removed the candles ^_^' though the vector is really impressive.
    ahah yea, my computer's like that too. it's like age till it opens photoshop -.- and it's just so frustating when that happens and you didn't save! how i understand you!
    anyway, love the vector! +fav

  8. ASH-Hikari Jan 07, 2008

    This looks awesome, but I can't comment fully until later when I can full-view ^_^'

  9. Oriya Jan 07, 2008

    OMG I'm breathless. excellent work!

  10. ASH-Hikari Jan 07, 2008

    I full-viewed now. And all I can say is AWESOME. Truly amazing work, I love the background even. All of it is amazing and looks flawless!

  11. cassandraronald Jan 08, 2008

    *full views*
    It is so awesome!
    the background is AMAZING!
    great job!

  12. Hanahanoiday Jan 08, 2008

    This is so lovely vector!Really amazing job!Keep it up!

  13. abul Jan 08, 2008

    this is an awesome vector ;)

    PS i also commented/faved in AP [username=khairkhan]

  14. Idril Jan 08, 2008

    wow *o*

    amazing, awesome, wonderful, blah, blah, blah XD

    Your did a great job and this is the best vector I've seen os this week! >_<

    Congrats you!

  15. YoruAngel866 Jan 09, 2008

    i would break down if i had vectored this!Great job!

  16. mangagirl89 Jan 09, 2008

    oh, i have this pic on my wall... love it! ^^
    nice work :D

  17. blueknight Jan 10, 2008

    great work! this looks real good on my desktop.

    i wish i could do things like this but i haven't a clue as to how.

  18. norine07 Jan 10, 2008

    omg! wonderful job done on the vector! it's reaqlly very detaiiled and the colours are superb! well done! keep up the good work! =)

  19. thuyngoc Jan 10, 2008

    Great vector art :D
    You'd worked hard for it ^^
    Good job ^_<

  20. ArtificialRaindrop Jan 13, 2008

    While I'm generally of the opinion vectoring an image straight lacks creativity, you've not only made up for that with amazing skill, you've also added little details that are creative and truly make this vector beautiful. The soft textures on Sakura's dress and the tree add enough extra thought that it's not like seeing just another vector, it gives the original image more style and that helps it to stand out. To me this looks like a labor of love, and I'm loving it! Beautiful work ^_^

  21. Diana92 Jan 13, 2008

    I wish i could make it...... hehehe Thx for sharing!

  22. Hanazaki Jan 13, 2008

    Much lovely than the original. Keep up the great work.

  23. Lukira Jan 14, 2008

    nyu!I really like cherry blossoms s a background!its so innnnnnn! to them you know there personality...look look! kakura means cherry blossoms! so cute!

  24. Fairywater Jan 14, 2008

    wow...that just screams hardwork right there...i love the sakura background!...9 days wow...i would take years to even figure out how to do that xD

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