
Clannad: Ready? Action!!

Kyoto Animation, Clannad, Kyou Fujibayashi, Tomoyo Sakagami, Vector Art
Kyoto Animation Studio Clannad Series,Visual Novel Kyou Fujibayashi Character Tomoyo Sakagami Character Vector Art Source


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Super late b-day gift for: Kairi-Hearts

This vector was started up on Nov 1st and
I decided to cooperate with Erikamirou on it
which ended up being the reason we took so long.
Her com was in a fragile state and she wasn't able
to finish it on time which was fine since I wasn't
in the condition to submit it at the time. But it was
well worth the wait and she ended up doing a beautiful coloring
The outlines took me so long and with both
of them and their long damn hair I was on the com
non stop trying ti finish it, I only picked a Clannad vector
because it's Kairi's fave.

Outlines by me
Coloring by: Erika <3

PNG at: EDD!

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  1. Kairi-Hearts Dec 30, 2007

    OMG!arigatooooooooooo :nya:
    I wasn't expecting you guys to submit it now >.< It's a total suprise!
    The outline is really good and erika's coloring is well done too!
    I'm speechless! <333

  2. Idril Dec 30, 2007

    Wow! That's cute! XD
    Great job Kitten! ^^

  3. ASH-Hikari Dec 30, 2007

    Omigosh! The awesomeness of Kitten-chan and erika-san, combined! I love this so much <3 It looks pretty good, and I know how annoying long hair can be. Great job! Clannad~~

  4. Cobalt-Phoenix Dec 30, 2007

    Hmm, very nice job!
    I love the detail! XD

  5. irix Dec 30, 2007

    This collab are good! keep the good work! ;D

  6. Chloe Retired Moderator Dec 31, 2007

    I need the .PNG!

  7. YoruAngel866 Dec 31, 2007

    omg i love this so much! Great job you two!

  8. nesisz Jan 01, 2008

    thankyou ! ^^

  9. Hasaki-Keissi Jan 01, 2008

    Awesome, my friend. And that's about all I gotta say. B/c I don't see anything to critique and nothing that could be praised that hasn't already been so.

  10. moonescape Jan 02, 2008

    Wow, you're really getting the hang of vectoring! =D I'm so proud of you, I know you'll keep getting better at this rate. :o

    Oh btw, thanks for the gift and no worries, since school is almost starting I'll be literally so opstimistic I'll be doing random stupid things liek jumping from the 2nd to the 1st floor. XD XD Well except when this whole month I have finals so I'll be preoccupied to even go on MT. x_x

  11. akaonda Restricted Member Dec 01, 2008

    excelent work i like it

  12. Shimazaki Dec 17, 2008

    thats great better then the two seperatet vectors

  13. Roy-Cheke Mute Member Jan 07, 2010

    definitivamente Tomoyo creo que es la que mas entimientos tiene
    y se expresa de una manera tan fascinante y modesta que es aosmbrosa
    ademas u super fuerza es genial jejeje
    este personaje tiene tantas fascetas en una que no solo te va hacer
    reiri si no te vaa ser conmover y experimetar varios tipos de emociones

  14. Cay Sep 01, 2011

    Excelent vectors

    i like your work :) thanks for sharing !

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