Happy holidays and Happy new year.
If only I was back in England for the winter, it is so hot here in the peninsular, I swear I shall bite my tongue to cool off my mouth with blood.
As you most likely know, I am a serious fan for Marisa Kirasame X Alice Margatroid from Touhou. Wonderful lovexhate
relationship that really makes it so entertaining to read.
Took inspiration from Aki-Eda's Alice Alone without You doujin. This one granting it a more sentimental taste to it.
I am not much on the effects person, but I hope this wall brings you that white winter warm feeling.
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Nice :)
Nice wallie, sweetie!
I love Tohou scans like this one! >_<
Your did a great ob with the background and I prefer the textless version ;)
I love the scan, it's so sweet and the bg is amazing, + fav :)
regardless of the quality of the characters.. the snow effect is amazing
Thank you for your sharing
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