
Ruki Wallpaper: Calm Envy

Ruki Wallpaper
Ruki J-Pop Idol

1280x1024 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Ruki(vo.) from the GazettE.
I KNOW those pictures are from before Stacked Rubbish,
but I made this for a friend and she wanted those pictures
and those lyrics, since Calm Envy is her current obsession.
I hope you guys like it, I spend a lot of time on this one. <3

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  1. dslassey Dec 12, 2007

    Whoa, this looks pretty neat! =D

    He kinda looks like Kyohei from The Wallflower. o.O

    Scratch that, more like Ranmaru...

  2. SoyMilkShou Dec 12, 2007

    Quote by dslasseyWhoa, this looks pretty neat! =D

    He kinda looks like Kyohei from The Wallflower. o.O

    Scratch that, more like Ranmaru...

    Thanks <3

    I love wallflower, but I dont think they like Ruki at all. xD

  3. NekoX3M Mar 19, 2011

    Thanks <3

    I love wallflower, but I dont think they like Ruki at all. xD

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