
Aiki Ren: Tales of the Abyss!

Aiki Ren, Tales of the Abyss, Jade Curtiss, Luke Fon Fabre, Asch
Aiki Ren Mangaka Tales of the Abyss Series,Game Jade Curtiss Character Luke Fon Fabre Character Asch Character


Again I'll have trouble with the edit button,doesn't Tales of the Abyss has it's own gallery,it deserves it!
I still need some tips with scanning...I have game cards from TGG16 and 17 from Prince of Tennis and some very expensive and rare cards so since they are pretty small I don't know how to scan them at the best resolution,scanner HP PSC 1510,trust me they are great and I want to share because I am not liek others who keep them all to themselves,lol!

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  1. Saikusa Retired Moderator Dec 08, 2007

    Moved to Tales of the Abyss & Aiki Ren categories.

  2. sandumirabela Dec 08, 2007

    Thank you very much!

  3. LilLaoRyo704 Dec 08, 2007

    sweet scan of the guy's from the game, i really like the artwork on her.

  4. Teiris Dec 09, 2007

    OMG! Absolutely lovely! ><

  5. ScatteredMemory Dec 14, 2007

    This pix is so cool. The glasses guy looks like a great fighter. Is this an anime?

  6. Teiris Dec 21, 2007

    Quote by ScatteredMemoryThis pix is so cool. The glasses guy looks like a great fighter. Is this an anime?

    No, is a game, and a very cool one! =3 For PS2, and my opinion is: HIGHLY Recommended! =D

  7. nagisuki May 03, 2008

    Luke-Kun So Cute~~~ Wow~! This Is So Great Pix~ Thanks For Uploading~

  8. Oromiester Jun 24, 2008

    Absolutley Beautiful! Prettiest Abyss I've evah seen!

  9. vitaamin Oct 06, 2008

    OMG FJDKLSJFLDSJFSL i love you for uploading tales of the abyss! and this is a great scan

  10. omgitselo Dec 09, 2008

    Love the pic. Definitely love the details in it :3

  11. luches Dec 10, 2008

    Best scan of TOA so ....this is incredible

  12. angelicstar618 Dec 15, 2008


  13. thuyxinhdep Dec 05, 2009

    Amazing scan! Those guys are so hot!

  14. Vampiregirl4 Feb 04, 2010

    So hot *-* Thanks for the scan.

  15. PunkyDarkmoon May 18, 2010

    OOOOHHH So great great Thanks so much is very beautiful ^^

  16. ryomalelouch Jun 04, 2010

    no need to say anything!..^_^
    your scans are really great and awesome!
    they're really eye-catchy! :)
    thanks for sharing!
    have a nice day!..^_^

  17. arianne Nov 08, 2010

    Thank you very very much ^^

  18. hs7411 Feb 25, 2011

    i love scan, it great, thank so much

  19. NightxFenrir Apr 01, 2011

    sweet scan of the guy's from the game, i really like the artwork on her....

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