
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Wallpaper: P3: Pretty Pink Persona

Kazuma Kaneko, Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3, Yukari Takeba Wallpaper

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Man, this one took me a while. About a week, I would say...

Anyway, I started out by vectoring some hentai doujin page I found on 4chan. That took the longest to do. I'll admit that it's not the best vector ever done, but it's good enough for both the subject matter and style of design I chose for the wallpaper.

For the background, I threw in many stars and lines, as well as a sillouette of the main character's.... eye. It cut it out of a different scan I found on an image board (the scan happens to be on MT as well). I thought that because I already put a crap load of stars into the background, that I thought I'd add a star under his eye.... for no reason whatsoever.

Enjoy. :3

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  1. kuroimisa Retired Moderator Dec 04, 2007

    I must say that I am impressed that you took something from a hentai doujin but not because of its hentai properties and the result is something incredibly family friendly :P Well I haven't seen the original scan, but it is an interesting concept.

    Just 2 cents: There's a shadow on the skirt and under the tie, so I think the rest of the character (from her eyes, hair, gun to her skin) should all have shadows too (as in cell shading), to keep it consistent and more "3D" (just to finish off the concept that there are things on top of each other). It would also give the character more depth. It looks great at the moment anyway, but maybe it's a thought :)

    Nice work!

  2. Sinever Dec 04, 2007

    I am impressed as well :)
    the vector looks very good :D well I would like to invite you to my group http://images.minitokyo.net:8001/groups/vector-wallers.gif
    hope to see you there :)

  3. dementia Dec 04, 2007

    yay more persona walls..very nice, and pretty, and very skilled vector..It would have been nice to see it in a bigger resolution though..great job

  4. hajimemizuki Dec 06, 2007

    OOOh another great work dude.It has a light lovely feel,sexy too.

  5. vitaamin Oct 09, 2008

    Quote by kuroimisa
    Just 2 cents: There's a shadow on the skirt and under the tie, so I think the rest of the character (from her eyes, hair, gun to her skin) should all have shadows too (as in cell shading), to keep it consistent and more "3D" (just to finish off the concept that there are things on top of each other). It would also give the character more depth. It looks great at the moment anyway, but maybe it's a thought :)

    i dont really agree that it needs more shadows, but like your other work maybe using some textures or gradients on her shirt might make it pop more. also the lines i feel like you have one white stripe but the other ones you didnt color. i think these should be colored =]

    her eyes and hair might be interesting to do gradient, her skin i think should just be left the way it is.

    but of course you are the master when it comes to doing interesting things without shading!

  6. Eltran Nov 09, 2008

    Very nice wallpaper. thank you.

  7. selemental Banned Member Dec 20, 2008

    it's his girlfriend! D: *favs*
    nice wallie lol it pwns

  8. Norin Jan 22, 2009

    very cute, love your work!

  9. chrisanime Apr 28, 2009


  10. calibur16defiance Sep 01, 2009

    kawaii Yukari. Love the wally.

  11. pheli Dec 10, 2009

    beautiful wall is really good .............

  12. pureblood98 Jan 17, 2010

    cute wall... but i would really love it to be in a higher resolution... hehe....

  13. zastiz Feb 08, 2010


  14. sunao101 Mute Member Feb 11, 2010

    muchas gracias por el aporte esta genial

  15. Dracard Feb 21, 2010


  16. 13TZAMET Mar 22, 2010

    Very nice image~~
    Thanks for sharing !

  17. flamerstunt Apr 02, 2010

    love tis pic...is gurlie.....got to love it...she hot to you knoe

  18. ABM4EVER12 Apr 10, 2010

    Cute wallpaper!
    Good work, keep it up =D

  19. krizalid08 Mute Member Sep 08, 2010

    exelent wallpaper, is great man...

  20. giaphan1989 Oct 08, 2010

    great picture thanks for sharing.

  21. cmehreashole Mute Member Feb 08, 2011

    awesome man
    thanks for the sharing
    keep up The Gud Work

  22. thecalling Mar 26, 2011

    yay more persona walls..very nice, and pretty,

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