
Hisui no Shizuku: Hisui no Shizuku ~Hiiro no Kakera DVD Cover

Yone Kazuki, Hisui no Shizuku Visual Fan Book, Hisui no Shizuku, Suzu Takachiho, Katsuhiko Mibu
Yone Kazuki Mangaka Hisui no Shizuku Visual Fan Book Artbook Hisui no Shizuku Visual Novel Suzu Takachiho Character Katsuhiko Mibu Character


Scanned by me, do not put this up in other galleries without permission as I have accounts there too. :nya:

This was scanned from the Hisui no Shizuku visual book, actually, but this is the image on the DVD cover. The girl in the middle there is Suzu, the protagonist/the girl you play as/you. So yeah, so play as her and choose the guy you want to sorta date while the guys try to protect you from monsters. XD

My fave guy is Akira, the one with the katana things. *_*

I like how the image looks as if it has a dirty texture. Okay, I should stop rambling.

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  1. noxz-maze Dec 02, 2007

    awesome good scan thanks alot for your sharing \ >w< /

  2. Bumble-Bee Dec 03, 2007

    Since I'm a male, it's logical if I fave the lady in the middle, right? ^^
    Same here, awesome scan. Thanks for sharing!

  3. UchihaTaijiya Dec 06, 2007

    Lovely, the style is really appealing
    Thanks for sharing!

  4. Yue-Horrishino Dec 06, 2007

    hmmm nice...
    It's on my favs

    I can't find any info from that... is there any other name given to the anime?

    Ja ne

  5. StopSignal Dec 19, 2007

    nice one :) Srigatou ne! ;)

  6. RiikoAya Jan 05, 2008

    Whoa *-*
    This guy, 'Akira' is pretty hot.
    Thanks a lot!

  7. FlameMasterAJ Oct 28, 2008

    love the guy on the rights outfit.

  8. Marinaaa Oct 29, 2008

    Great picture... Thanks for sharing...

  9. kyoko89 Dec 18, 2008

    I love this scan
    It is awesome!

  10. xay09 Jan 23, 2009

    this is a nice scan of a "love triangle"?

  11. bebupty Feb 16, 2009

    The ribbons look nice, but still, why ribbons?
    I haven't actually played this before, only played Hiiro1. At first I was leaning towards Mibu (what was his name again?), but after I listened to the drama cd, I decided Akira was the better choice.

  12. 3immortals May 28, 2009

    Very cool scan. I want to play this game now! Thanks for sharing!

  13. PetShop Jul 21, 2009

    these scans are really goood O_o i really like the style of the characters <3

    merged: 07-21-2009 ~ 11:41am
    these scans are really goood O_o i really like the style of the characters <3

  14. koron Jul 26, 2009

    It's wonderful!
    Thank you very much.

  15. vampiresiberian Jul 31, 2009

    mmm... I'm starting to think about search more about this...

  16. silverstr Aug 18, 2009

    I really love the poses and oh just everything about it! XD
    Thank you for sharing~

  17. Komiya Sep 16, 2009

    Kinda reminds me of Vampire Knight? ^^

    What is this abou? ^^

  18. Cherishes Nov 29, 2009

    I really love the artists' style of drawing.

  19. Angelicsan Dec 13, 2009

    Nunca falta la secuestrada XD

  20. lunjang Dec 29, 2009

    So cool! I love it
    thank you ^^

  21. ffx13 Dec 30, 2009

    Thank you so much for sharing!

  22. AmuXIkuto Jan 03, 2010

    Epiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiic >3

  23. KaiyouNoYume Jan 08, 2010

    This picture is so wild (in a good way)! I wish my drawings was this pretty. Awesome scan! Thank you too. @u@

  24. whirligig Feb 26, 2010

    Beautiful scan! Thanks for sharing!

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