
Inuyasha Wallpaper: Brand New World

Rumiko Takahashi, Inuyasha, Kirara, Inuyasha (Character), Shippou Wallpaper
Rumiko Takahashi Mangaka Inuyasha Series Kirara Character Inuyasha (Character) Character Shippou Character

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

This was my only scan to wall wallpaper, and it was actually pretty fun to make :3

Well I was browsing through the MT gallery a while ago, and came across this scan. I really liked it and immediately thought of walling it as a widescreen scenic wall. The scan was full of text and pics and had a line going straight down the middle. Also Kiraras face was cut off and Shippous face was smooshed. >< A lot of painting was going on here. I painted the houses, mountains, and sky (I lurve painting skys :3). Also, the annoying grass was painted. The water and reflections were messed up to so I had to redo those as well. I cleaned up the scans of course, and also I had to fix the squished and cut out faces. So I gave Kirara a nose job, and redid Shippous face and hair. xD loL!

Scans: Inuyasha Anime ending Newtype by nat

1600x1200: http://www.animepaper.net/gallery/wallpapers/sakurab/item62146/?edited

enjoy! :3

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  1. asa00 Dec 01, 2007

    kyah! xD i love the openness of the sky. the grass looks complicated. you are a great painter saku; i can see you wearing a beret and wielding your paint brush and palette, with a thick french moustache! oh wait, or is that barukas i'm seeing? o__O (so where is the spork in this? *looks all around*)

    ps. do you plan on becoming a makeup artist/plastic surgeon? lol.

  2. Chloe Retired Moderator Dec 01, 2007

    Awesome reconstruction! The sky is fab and the grass and characters are neatly re-painted, especially when you compare it to the original scan. Great job!

  3. anji Dec 01, 2007

    I like the enjoying atmosphere and the panoramic view.
    It's a good idea to do this scan as a wall. Nicely repainted.
    Thanks for sharing :)

  4. Kitaan Retired Moderator Dec 01, 2007

    It looks so much better in Full View!
    The characters look so well to be that far
    and you did a fantastic job recreating the bg.
    Another great one :3

  5. Piccolobear Dec 01, 2007

    This wall has a really nice open feel to it, and the painting is awesome. XD Thanks for sharing

  6. gaara-no-shukaku Dec 02, 2007

    Very nice scenery, and great job on reconstructing the scan. Keep up the great work!

  7. Sinever Dec 02, 2007

    its gorgeous XD
    love the scenery of the wall XD
    well done ;)

  8. Idril Dec 02, 2007

    Amazing work *o*~
    You really put much work on it and the scene looks awesome!

  9. SmurffyGal123 Dec 05, 2007

    Thanks for sharing :) Very nice, I like it ;)

  10. Elves Dec 05, 2007

    That is a very pretty wall, and even though my enthusiasm has died down for Inuyasha I'm still very happy to see it. *Adds to growing MT wallpaper collection* Awesome job painting - even the "annoying" grass. I know that the placement of the characters is based upon the original scan, but it'd be cool to see them near the top and have their full reflections in the water. (Haha! I pose to you a challenge...though I'd very much understand if you just say, ":P Nuh-uh. I don't think so." lol. ^_^' ) Awesome wall and kudos to you for the reconstruction of Shippo and Kirara. :) I can't even tell.

  11. nekoinkimono Dec 06, 2007

    This is a really great widescreen wall, it's gorgeous!

  12. Gimpyslair Dec 16, 2007

    Wow! Great work! I always loved this scan!

  13. carlemb Jan 26, 2008

    Like some others said, I love the panoramic view. And you can't really tell that you did so much cleaning up, it looks like it was never there! But then again I'm no expert... :P

  14. Kyelor Feb 23, 2008

    The painting looks just like how it would in the anime! Very nice and professional

  15. krisjunaeien Nov 13, 2008

    very nice and plain

  16. AnimeRoxz Nov 14, 2008

    omg! I love this! I've alway admired that scan! this is just too nice! thank you for your hard work!

  17. TheObsessedEdFangirl Dec 02, 2008

    This is so cute! I love it! <3

  18. icetee Mar 03, 2009

    Wow das ist ein sch

  19. utgt Jun 11, 2009

    I like is very much!Thank you for you posting!

  20. Opiolenion-san Jun 27, 2009

    Wow! Gorgeous scan! Wonderful background clouds!

  21. rinoa586 Aug 27, 2009

    Amazing work <3

  22. descendingarchangel Oct 15, 2009

    nice and peaceful. Great wallpaper!

  23. bennymaru Oct 26, 2009

    cool scan! it's like the fields in the philippines

  24. momo88 Oct 27, 2009

    It's look like a paint which wants to take life... *_*

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