
The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi Wallpaper: Genki Da Ne (It's Christmas!)

Noizi Ito, Kyoto Animation, The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi, Haruhi Suzumiya, Yuki Nagato Wallpaper

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Dedicated to my friend, Omone. Her pet rat Ritchie is in a better place now. <3

PHEWWWW...I'm tired. lol I thought I could easily tackle this, but boy, was I wrong. At first I was easygoing with the line art; it was not difficult. But then when I started to color, I panicked. I literally panicked. So I did this (and I'm not kidding either)---I drank caffiene soda and began coloring. When I got to Yuki's tunic I stopped and banged my head on the desk, thinking "I can't do this, I can't do this~" I even switched over to Illustrator to do the lines there. But I hate Illustrator to death because...because..I just hate it. I only keep the program in case I really needed it. But since I was almost done with the vector, I just decided to finish where I started it, and that is my beloved PS CS3. <3

Now about the difficult parts. First up was the eyes. If you guys remember "The Theory of Haruhi" in my gallery, the eyes were too blurred and ugly. But now, thanks to staring at Ashy-chan's Haruhi eyes of her vector, I got it down. But I only got the color of the scan to help me out, so I just chose those colors. So if they look dark, it's because it's in a nighttime setting. Please don't bite my head off. ><

Well, you guys know about the tunic...AH. There is Mikuru's present. A transparent layer is used here. So that sucked. XD I had to draw the transparent lines of her hair on another layer so it wouldn't overlap. Then there is the chocolate heart. I think it still sucks no matter how many times I tried to fix it. As long as it didn't look 2-D, I'm good. XD

Finally, what gave me the least amount of trouble was the coloring (the majority of it) and making snow. I was gonna use real life snowflakes, but I shook my head at that the last minute. The scan provided flurry-shaped snowflakes but I just went back to the simple oval and circular types because it was the most simple thing I could come up with. I was gonna add a lot of things but I didn't want to ruin it any more than I've done to it. Precaution notices, you know. XD

I've got lots more plans for vectoring right now, so tell me how you guys like the wallie, for now, I'm going to fall asleep on the floor because I've been working on this for two days straight. The times I stopped was when I was sleeping. So yeah, I was too lazy to eat. (So I guess it is possible to lose weight while vectoring, Ashy-chan HAHA)

On AP: Click Here
Thank-You Card: Yes
Source Image (MT): Presents for You by Fenafir

Please comment and tell me what you think. I hope you like it, Omone-chan and that it cheers you up! <3

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  1. temarigenius Dec 01, 2007

    Woow! You finished your Suzumiya Haruhi vector! ><
    You are so awesome!
    Awesome vector! It's perfect! From the lines to the colors~ Perfect!~ ^^

  2. BABORY Dec 01, 2007

    Emm...This look very good!

  3. vicehell Dec 01, 2007

    de las mejores series que e visto

  4. Keough Dec 01, 2007

    WHOA it is a vector! This is a wonderful wall to do for the time of event. This wall seems very perfect and the vector is done nicely.

  5. DarkPriestessKikyo06 Dec 01, 2007

    This is such a cute Christmas wall! Perfect for the season! Thanks for sharing! :) Happy Holidays! ;)

  6. Sinever Dec 01, 2007

    I really love your vectors :D
    they are very neat :)
    well done as usual ;)

  7. Omone Dec 01, 2007

    Wow that's so nice from you. You really did it fo me? I am really happy. Thank you a lot.
    It is such a wonderful vector. The outlines are just amazing *-*
    And the transparence layer on miruku looks wonderful.Really a great wallpaper *-*
    How did you make the snow? Did you make dots and blur them?

    Really, really thanks a lot *-*

  8. ASH-Hikari Dec 01, 2007

    I adore this! It's perfect entity-chan! Outlines and colours are all great!
    Kya, colouring Yuki would have scared me, good job seeing it through.
    Lovely job on Mikuru's gift transparency too! It's little details like that that can make a wall even more fun to look at.
    This is going to be my desktop :D
    Oh yeah, forget dieting, eating healthy, and exercising...vectoring is all you need! *Guaranteed or your money back* I reached an all-time low yesterday XD
    And you used one of my vectors to help you with the eyes? Which one, I wonder?
    Anyways I can't say much else. It's perfect.

  9. kashikosa Dec 01, 2007

    Really cute wallie! (as always...) I like how you handled all the difficulties with the vector the effect is stunning... The coloring and the lineart is very neat so I must say I really like this (even though I'm not a fan of SHnY).

  10. Devilet Dec 01, 2007

    Yuki's plaid pattern must of been a pain, very nice vector!
    Snowy days over here, how pretty.

  11. x-lawss Dec 01, 2007

    This vector is nice XD, christmas is coming soon!
    Thanks for sharing :)

  12. saki-xan Dec 01, 2007

    Hey >< yet admire *-* Great vector <3

  13. drastikhate Dec 02, 2007

    Haruhi-sama, Mikuru-chan and Nagato-chan! :D It's early but Merry Xmas! XD

  14. xiaodick Dec 02, 2007

    it seems that i forgotten to comment...
    well.. i have nothing much to say either..
    but lovely vector.. it looks perfect.. definatly a fave..

  15. bromithia Retired Moderator Dec 02, 2007

    I really like how much effort was put into the line art and everything. It takes a lot of patience. Seriously! :D Keep up the good work.

  16. moonescape Dec 03, 2007

    I wish I could telly ou more about how much this wallpaper is wonderful, but I'm on an extreme haitus by retraining myself to even go on MT once. :sweat: **good** highlight

    **btw** I need someone who can post the results of October or November for the Vector-waller contest so I was wondering if you could do one of them ^^;

  17. mystvearn Dec 03, 2007

    I like it a lot

  18. ScarXHeart Dec 03, 2007

    As for your hard work. You made a beautiful wallpaper!
    Its not even near ugly, its perfect. You did a wonderful job, really!
    Kudos! Kudos! KUDOS!
    And thanks for sharing it to all of us.

  19. Odysseus Dec 04, 2007

    Well I don't have much to add to what everyone else said, Excellent job all around, simply beautiful. Everything is so smooth and clean and the transparency on the wallpaper is very nice. Essentially everyone else has already said everything I can think of, the rest is beyond my ability to express. Great work ^_^

  20. adyt Dec 04, 2007

    A good present for christmas. Haruhi looks so kind, not likely a damn naughty Haruhi as usual!

  21. ryocutema Dec 05, 2007

    What you use to draw it?

  22. kwoklim1234 Restricted Member Dec 05, 2007

    :) very nice,thx for sharing

  23. pooolj Dec 06, 2007

    good job. i really like it

  24. Behlmot Dec 07, 2007

    it looks really nice. loved the wp and the snow!
    And its perfect for the season xD
    keep up the good work!

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