
Lelouch of the Rebellion Wallpaper: Lelouch Vi Britannia

Sunrise (Studio), Lelouch of the Rebellion, Lelouch Lamperouge Wallpaper

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Oh yeah, I'm so creative with my titles, don't you think? haha

Anyway, here is another Lelouch wallpaper from me and wouldn't you know it, it's purple again! I can't help it, I think Lelouch looks really good in purple because of his eyes.

I know the image has been used before, but a good friend of mine vectored the image for me and wanted me to make her a wallpaper for her widescreen. So you can find a lot more resolutions of this wall on my site, Kakyoku.

The background was a lot of fun to make. I used a bunch of different filters and colors to get the color and effect. I hope you guy like it!

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  1. bromithia Retired Moderator Dec 02, 2007

    A texture could probably help blend the character into the background, or something. However, I love the abstract, and the fact that it is well done. We don't see that too often, haha. A title could help fill up the huge empty space, too. Besides that, it looks great. Keep it up!

  2. Chevalier00 May 18, 2008

    Clamp & Studio Sunshine rules!

  3. Melifuu Jul 28, 2008

    This is nice! But what's w/his hand, i've always noticed that he has his hand like that: front, left, right, bottom, in fromt! What's w/that?!

  4. freedomm Nov 23, 2008

    VERY beautiful...

  5. bodo-man Apr 04, 2009

    i like this

  6. WillyY May 01, 2009

    Lelouch is my hero *-*

  7. avenger667 Aug 08, 2009

    cool wallpaper
    thank you for sharing

  8. afflatus Dec 10, 2009

    great background! very well done !

  9. ffx13 Dec 31, 2009

    so beautiful
    Thank you so much for sharing!

  10. legofreedom297 Mute Member Jun 25, 2010

    nice , nice , thanks for sharing.

  11. Daimacuro Jul 29, 2010

    Lelouch en toda su magnifisencia! admirenlo!

  12. screxmo Aug 26, 2010

    Lelouch Rlz!

    Zero-sama Rlz!

  13. thejeffersen Sep 01, 2010

    I want out of this machine
    It doesn't feel like freedom

  14. sabby220822 Nov 13, 2010

    skinny lulu~~ hes soooo hawtt! (L))

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