oh i love it!
kawaii lol
the vector is neat and i love the blurriness ;)
Artist Comment
Full View! - The thumbnail makes it look horrid!
I've been watching Kodomo no Jikan
and finally there was an episode that gave us
hope of thinking that we might have a sweet and decent anime...
not sure but I'm hoping this anime will be good and
not something I'll want to burn later.
This wall features Rin as a baby cause (she's a child
now) and her mother Aki. Took a screencap of this moment
cause I really like the whole mother daughter thing
and yea maybe cause it's adorable too.
I decided to do this because the episode
really stood out to me and I could relate to it in a way.
Not gonna spoil it but for those who are looking
for more than just Clamp, try watching Kodomo
I think it's going to be a good one.
Used blur to give it a sleepy smooth feeling
and a sense of gentleness. The vector wasn't that
hard and coloring was sort of a breeze.
More Resolutions at: EDD!
No other submissions
abul Nov 27, 2007
ASH-Hikari Nov 27, 2007
You're very anti-CLAMP lately, aren't you? :D
Very kawaii wall! You're right, the thumbnail doesn't do it justice.
Clover Nov 27, 2007
this is so cute, i don't have such nice memories q.q
i will take this as my desktop^^
Idril Nov 27, 2007
Cute and well done Kitten-san, as always XD
+favs -
ROSEANA Nov 27, 2007
Oh i want go to sleep.... It's very lovely....
Thank you^o^ -
Chloe Retired Moderator Nov 27, 2007
Nice vectoring and I like the bluriness. Great job!
ventures Nov 28, 2007
the vector is a great quality. but why the pattern in the upper left corner kitten-chan? looks a lil odd..
rythem Nov 28, 2007
overall it's good , the vector is done very neatly ^^ but , the pattern on the top left corner (bedsheets?) is totally not necessary , since it doesn't suit the whole dark theme . lighting is very important to take note as well , you should remember that . but nice work nevertheless ~
moonescape Nov 28, 2007
Wow well done! :o I agree with Chole-chan that the bluriness is well a good effect especailly since its a theme of sleepiness (which makes me wanna sleep x_x ). Nice outlines, but the random background was well kind of distracting. ^_^' Though definately a fave from me. ;)
HB13 Nov 30, 2007
rythem has a point with the top left corner. Its a bright contrast from the rest of the picture & is just a distraction / eyesore from the sleeping subjects you want the audience to pay attention to.
IzumiChan Dec 01, 2007
Aww, so lovely~ they really look alike, lol~ XD XD
Loved the teddy bear~ and great night lightening~ >w<
Good work! ^.^ -
enchantressinthedark Dec 24, 2007
Aww you submitted this wall as well! XD kyaaa so cute <3 The fact that YOU'RE the one who vectored it makes it more lovable XD
rayray89 Oct 18, 2008
Rin always look cheerful , but inside of her is very lonely when her aki-san die of cancer...
thx 4 sharing! XD -
danteslullaby Mute Member Aug 19, 2010
muchas gracias por el aporte
xminax Dec 02, 2010
very good contribution thanks
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