Plenty of versions:
Black full and textless: 1920 x 1200 vs 1600 x 1200
Cause the first one did not came out so well. Received disspointing comments and even more disastrous self loath. This time, I based it more accurately on the poster, at the same time giving it a more Hitman/Transporter view to it, simple white background versus centered textured character.
A more sophisticated view perhaps.
I kept the older version, and modified the text, so now you people can have both. At your own pleasure.
Browse Bleach Gallery: Recent | Popular.
choose another uploader for the images. at imagefap tere are naked women all around. or so i have seen
I like moar this one than the original! XD
I love the black version more, cause black is smexy XD Still, awesome work :)
This OWNS. I cant help but like Byakuya.
merged: 07-01-2008 ~ 04:49pm
This is so AWSOME i've commented again.
LOL! Haha how creative!
Great job I lurv it!
hell yeah..he is the true american gangster XD
Wow 0o Stylish work)
LOL i like it!
he is a bad boy
merged: 09-28-2009 ~ 02:32pm
he is a bad boy
great job XD
Byaku is so sexy *__* Ohh <333333 +fav
thank you .Wonderful wall,love
allez y tous ensemble kakoi kakoi kakoi kakoi..............
What a great wallpaper-... it's awesome =) i love byakuya! ?
Brilliant idea, this beats the movie. ^_^
OMG amazing! Thank you a lot for add! :DDD
this is really cool, i like how you blended all of the movie 'themes' together
but i wish that his hair wasn't flying out so much, just 2 strands blowing would do
American gangster! I couldn't agree more man!
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