oh my....hahahaha...xDD
great pic xDD i love it (the fy finger xD)
poor of all them, but the pic is so cool
thanks for sharing ^^

I scanned this from the 2008 Tsubasa/xxxHolic Calendar.
Modified because Fay was making a very inappropriate gesture.
See the rest of the calendar:
Cover: Rise Up Like the Sun - Soel & Larg by
January: Like Dreamers at Night by Marissa
February: Black: The Color of Despair - Syaoran
& Sakura by Marissa
March: Storms We Cannot Weather - Kohane &
Watanuki by Marissa
April: Life Has Killed the Dream I Dreamed -
Sakura by Marissa
May: Grab Your Chance - Yuuko & Watanuki by
June: Red: The Color of Desire - Fay and Kurogane
by Marissa
July: The Upper Crust - Doumeki, Himawari &
Watanuki by Marissa
August: Is Your Life Just One More Lie? - Fay,
Kurogane & Syaoran by Marissa
September: Lovely Lady - Yuuko by Marissa
October: Raise a Glass! - Kurogane, Syaoran,
Sakura & Fay by Marissa
November: Always Get Our Share - Yuuko &
Watanuki by Marissa
December: Scum Like You - Kurogane, Syaoran,
Sakura & Fay by Marissa
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Ookamichan Oct 26, 2006
twilightofrose Oct 26, 2006
Awesome! XD
But, shouldn't this be in Tsubasa Chronicle? Cause the characters are from there...
mysticdawn Mute Member Oct 26, 2006
Wow, check out the gothic appearance! Maybe they've been influenced by too much heavy metal music? LOOOL Sakura and Syaoran look like death. Fye looks like a... OMG, he's showing us the finger! And Kurogane... well, only he's retained his usual expression, actually! I love the doggy-biting-attitude! *fangirl squeal*
Now, is that R Syaoran or C...? *squints*
aqiaqua Oct 26, 2006
Ah, was a matter of time till someone posted this here (I was too excited to post). thanks for the scan ;).
joviality Oct 26, 2006
That picture is just love. You cleaned the scans a bit right? Thanks :)
Chingers Oct 27, 2006
Wow...Sakura totally looks hot! Nice costume! And Fay...my, his got attitude (and still so adorable)
Definitely one of my fav images. Just so rad!
kawaiisakura05 Oct 27, 2006
is syaoran holding up a picture of a pickle? i'll have to download it and look closer but right now i'm so excited w/ this scan. omg. sakura is so hardcore. it looks awesome. someone should definatly make a wally w/ this. amazing.
Mizunotsubasa Oct 27, 2006
Quote by kawaiisakura05is syaoran holding up a picture of a pickle? i'll have to download it and look closer but right now i'm so excited w/ this scan. omg. sakura is so hardcore. it looks awesome. someone should definatly make a wally w/ this. amazing.
It not a pickle it's a clock *time* and yes agree they should make a wally for this.
merged: 10-27-2006 ~ 11:21am
I would love a clean scan of this pic. -
Loneokamionna Oct 27, 2006
EmeraldDragon Oct 28, 2006
very nice. to me, the pictures their holding up might mean:
the eye: no crying
the clock: no time left
the wing: no freedom (or no good memories)
the heart: no love.but that's just how I see it =3 thanks for the scan.
LyraRaven Oct 28, 2006
Wow! It looks, just...wow...I love it! It looks awsome! Tanx for sharing!
choco-cat Oct 28, 2006
add to fav!
ahhhhh~~~ i just luv them!
sakura's not the cute and helpless girl anymore, she's like...tough! like syaoran! XD
they TOOOOOO cool....X3 -
AngelKate Nov 02, 2006
I absolutely love Sakura's look in this scan. She looks almost....scary O_O
Thanks for this scan. ^_^
chibichibikaukau Nov 06, 2006
very good scan! >.< thanks for sharing it with us! i LOVE it ^_^
KaiLi Nov 12, 2006
Very pretty!
I liked the ironic motives for everytone! XD
ThX -
Marcy Nov 23, 2006
No words!
Thanks! -
himura088 Nov 25, 2006
Great scan! Thanks! :)
SunnyMcClaren Nov 29, 2006
Great scan, indeed! I love Sakura's outfit, I wish that I owned that dress (not that I wear it), but I would like to have it. Kurogane-san always looks cool, whatever his wears. Shyaoran and Fye though... Shyaoran looks good but Fye... He's always such a nice boy, why he's doing that...? Love the scan.
Thanks of sharing. Bye. -
kucing Dec 23, 2006
they all were beaten or something.
Nice pic..thx for sharing
ang3llove Jan 18, 2007
Aaaah~Yay~I've always wanted this in colour!~~
Thankyou! X3 -
KieraAnn Feb 18, 2007
Thanks for the scan its awesome. They all just look so happy now don't they? *giggles* Fye is flicking us off, that's nice. lol, I find it a very intresting pic. *favs*
deathnotegirl Apr 14, 2007
thank u! this pic is absolutely G-R-E-A-T!
Angi Retired Moderator Apr 23, 2007
what a nice scan!
simply love it! -
kuroganexfai Apr 30, 2007
Yeah! cool! thanks! i like it!
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