
Clannad Wallpaper: Le bonheur est un art

Key (Studio), Clannad, Kotomi Ichinose Wallpaper
Key (Studio) Studio Clannad Series,Visual Novel Kotomi Ichinose Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

"Le bonheur est un art a pratiquer, comme le violon"
"Happiness is an art which needs practice, like violin"

If there is an error, please tell me.

So, this is Ichinose Kotomi from the game Clannad (and the anime hehe).

The brush I used are from IHEA (deviantART) and Yumehayla (deviantART).

No much work, so no much to say.

Please, enjoy.

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  1. templa Nov 19, 2007

    I love Kotomi <3 I even built her in my style ^^ ahm good work! Where did you get that scan from ? ^^

  2. Daheji Nov 19, 2007

    Thank you!

    Erm, I found a CG from Kotomi on Google.
    And that's all. :p

  3. shadowxlink2 Nov 19, 2007

    kotomi is awesome! thanks for sharing!

  4. Diffusal Nov 28, 2007

    That's a pretty sweet one, may I ask the name of those brushes you used?

  5. riokka Dec 15, 2007

    Nicely done, i like the colors :)

  6. GUSTAVO7ALONSO Mute Member Aug 17, 2010


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