
Nitro+ Wallpaper: Soundscapes: Nitro+ Mascot Soniko

Nitro+ Wallpaper
Nitro+ Studio

1280x960 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Wallpaper made from my tag.
Took several hours separately, has some 40 layers in them.

Now, this is vectorbrush spam with the cool in it.

Soniko is Nitroplus'' big breasted mascot, incase you are wondering.

Brushes by Paul W and yes, there is NO SUCH band, it is imaginary.

The Devonians are derived from my username, Devereux, Soundscapes and Silence is an alternate title by Stephen King's Nightmare and Dreamscapes. Texture looks similiar to the Benjamin wallpaper by Astroplus, yes, I used the same texture and different colors.

Sorry it is a bit simple, it is a design and concept wall.

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  1. Devildude Oct 27, 2007



    and the tag.http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/3356/soundscape2sc3.png

  2. enchantressinthedark Dec 24, 2007

    Interesting concept, you can still fit all your creativity into one small box XD Amazing <3

  3. hartidoc Jul 25, 2009

    very nice waler!
    I liked the simplicity of it, and the vector is great!

  4. VILLALS Mute Member Nov 04, 2009

    Very good Looks really good... :D

  5. vaguita Sep 18, 2010

    It looks really cool in an original way

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