
Kingdom Hearts Wallpaper: Riku - Kingudamu Hatsu - Vector

Square Enix, Kingdom Hearts, Riku Wallpaper
Square Enix Studio Kingdom Hearts Game Riku Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment


Aha! I made a vector of Riku from Kingudamu Hatsu (Kingdom Hearts)!

I hope you like it!


Go to my deviantart page to download it in 1280x1024 resolution!

Tools used: Adobe Photoshop 5, Adobe Photoshop Elements.
Number of layers: About 20.
Time taken: Around 3 hours.


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  1. moonescape Oct 11, 2007

    Whoa! Lines are so jaggy, but I can't blame ya. Though it's because you're using older photoshops and only CS+ have the vector outlines you'll need. :o You need a pen tool or use an Illustrator. -^^-

    I really love the background here because it's so flowy. Though about the colors on Riku well it seems more painted not that I would consider vectored actually sorry. ^_^'

  2. Ccarcia3 Oct 12, 2007

    Gee, thanks a lot. -_-

  3. inuyashalove04 Oct 14, 2007

    Firstly, in regards to what moonescape said. Yes the lines in places are jagged, but they aren't as bad as moonescape made it seem. ~_~

    I think you did a good job, especially using the older versions of photoshop. (I use elements myself ^_^' ) I like how you made the wallpaper. Yes, Riku does look painted and not vectored. But, being vectored would make Riku look...weird, I'd think. You can't get the subtle changes with vectoring like you can with a painted look. So I like how Riku looks as he is! ;)
    As for the bg, it's awesome- looks like a real sky. Good job all around. :D

  4. Ccarcia3 Oct 14, 2007

    Thank you!

  5. obsidianwings Jan 25, 2008

    nice work! a large well-made riku wall is a rarity.

  6. synchronise Jun 16, 2009

    Wow...it looks way different than it did in the soft watercolors.

    My complaint, though, is the writing on either side. Yeah, I'm lame and pay attention to stuff like that. But since "Kingdom Hearts" is not a native Japanese term, the writing should be in katakana, rather than hiragana. The proper writing would be "??????????

  7. zeek2356 Nov 09, 2009

    wow and i thought i like riku before ^^

  8. rominapr Apr 04, 2010

    thanks! finally got a nice wallpaper of riku :D

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