its pretty, like the pose of the girl
the rain effect gives a misty touch to your wall
nice done!
Artist Comment
Please fullview! It Looks much better that way, trust me!
I'm back from inactivity! Yay! Hopefully it will be a long stay this time (WHA-? It's been 17 weeks since I submitted something?!?!) Anyways, I made a new wallpaper, and also updated my userpage if anyone is curious to check it out! :D
Now for some stats...
Hours: 10 in total, not in one sitting, though...
Layers: 32
Inspiration "Storm" by Lifehouse
As for making the wallpaper, I wanted to make something with a rainy theme for the group Timeless--Rain since I've been neglecting them for a little while (I'm so sorry!). I was having trouble coming up with an idea, then I remembered a scan from Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria that I had wanted to wall for some time. The tricky thing is, though, that the scan has a lot of blurring in it because it is supposed to show that there is motion because the people in it are in a battle. The scan is HERE so you can see what I'm talking about. This kind of made extracting the girl I wanted to use extremely difficult, so I decide to build around and upon the scan instead and use photo manipulation to my advantage. I had to repaint pieces of the scan to clean it up, as well as adding in a somewhat dirty cloudy-mist to go with the rain and give it the feel of a heated battle. The rain also helped to explain why the guy behind her is so blurry and gave it the feel of a torrential downpour. The Pillar on the side and cathedral passage were added and had to be altered to fit the somewhat realistic, cg feel of the piece.
And there's my chunky explanation for my wallpaper. I'm pretty happy with it, so I hope you enjoy it! (and don't tell me they look blurry because they are SUPPOSED to be, and I can't do anything about it).
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Angi Retired Moderator Sep 18, 2007
LilLaoRyo704 Sep 18, 2007
sweet wall, my favorite game too xD, yet i still haven't beaten it :P, the effects are done nicely, and rain effect really gave the misty touch on your wall, great job, and your layout looks awesome too
morilinde Sep 19, 2007
She has a lovely luminescence to her. It could be mistaken for light play or even the haze of rain when it hits something. Regardless, it's striking how she stands out so crisp and clear against the blurred background. I admit I do find myself straining to see the person in the background (but there is the possibility that I'm looking for a player inparticular xD ). The greenish gray tones play off of her beautifully. It almost gives it that classic or epic feel that comes with the mythological origin of the game.
Now that I've given you a philosophical standpoint as to why I like it, now I'll simply state that it's beautiful. But I can't say there is really anything that I haven't thought this about that you've made. Keep it up, itoko...
Jember880314 Sep 19, 2007
Superb wallpaper
The art are superb tooSo this a wallpaper from the PS2 valkyrie game eh ?
The effect is pretty cool too -
yalubluchay Sep 20, 2007
the best wall ive seen in days
coolie123 Sep 23, 2007
One of the best i've seen
Schindler Oct 05, 2007
WoW, It's the best Valkyrie profile wallpaper i've ever seen!
darkelohim Nov 02, 2007
selemental Banned Member Nov 03, 2007
Great piece of work! That a square enix game! XD
Me liketh a lot!
BlackSponge Nov 23, 2007
The beauty of this masterpiece is that it's 3D look is simply superb.
The rain is also a nice touvh.
Besides I love Valkyrie Profile,awesome game.
In short, this is truly a masterpiece. -
seirie Aug 12, 2008
like it!love this game and alicia...
KuraKaze Oct 31, 2008
Love the colours in the background. The images also create and very "olympia" like effect, of a greek goddess in the clouds. Good job ^^
bijinsakura Dec 14, 2008
I like the effects over the render and background.
windyroller Jan 16, 2009
Awww... Poor Rufus got edited plum out... Ah, well. I like what you did with the scan, though. Brought Silmeria/Alicia out nicely. Good job. :D
zweibo2007 Mute Member Aug 21, 2009
nice good job
GameQueen1988 Sep 18, 2010
YES! my most favorite PS2 game of all time! i love it so much, thanks for uploading!
sskmale Mute Member Jan 12, 2011
This is a Gorgeous scan! Very awesome image!
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