
xxxHOLiC: Watanuki November

CLAMP, xxxHOLiC, Kimihiro Watanuki, Vector Art
CLAMP Mangaka xxxHOLiC Series,OVA Kimihiro Watanuki Character Vector Art Source


Artist Comment

Konban wa minna san,

I'm back with new vector art of xxx Holic ^^ I confess that I personalised the original scan (taken from the calendar and found on the net) just a bit... for example there are less butterflies and the colour is different (well just personalised ^^)...what else? uhm I removed watanuki's glasses (which were supposed to be in his hand)

This vector has about 500 layers, so I hope you'll appreciate my hard work.. Let me know what you think^^

see you soon with some other work :)

ja na



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  1. Arya3087 Sep 13, 2007

    nice vector!
    though I prefer vectors with outlines there are some such as yours that look great without them XD
    anyway, I know vectoring CLAMP artwork is pretty hard and u did great job here! :)
    deserves +fav!

  2. Chloe Retired Moderator Sep 13, 2007

    Looks good!
    The colors are nice and the vectoring is neatly done. Keep up the good work!

  3. barara Sep 13, 2007

    Kyaaaaaaaaaa! I love your vector! XD Body's outlines are very nice! :D And Watanuki looks so cute! Textures are beautiful, too. Good work! :D
    +fav desu~

  4. sailorchiron Sep 14, 2007

    Nice vector, I love this image of Watanuki!

  5. merelie Oct 04, 2007

    i love the butterflies!
    i have so much love for them all fluttery and weird and ominous little things that they are!
    watanuki is trapped! trapped, i tell you! :D
    you did a great job on the coloring, thank you for sharing!

  6. moonescape Oct 20, 2007

    Very intersting. Even if there's some white pixels on one butterlfy I see and a little sharp area on the clothes I really like it. The outlines so flowy here and the work was well done.

    Think about making a wallpaper out of this and consider about joining vectory or vector-wallers.

  7. KobayashiSama Dec 03, 2007

    Hehe, Watanuki-kun laying down looking ever so smexy! This a great job and also really awesome job with the coloring. =)

  8. TomoyoYumemi Jun 21, 2009

    good job vectoring

  9. badula Jul 25, 2009

    A nice vector, I like this color.

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