
Romeo x Juliet Wallpaper: Fated Lovers

Gonzo, Romeo x Juliet, Romeo Candolebonte Montague, Juliet Fiamatta Asto Capulet Wallpaper

1920x1200 Wallpaper

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I totally didn't think Romeo x Juliet looked like my type of anime at first, but then I watched the first couple episodes and got completely hooked. Now it's one of my favorite recent series after Nodame Cantabile :D So yar, had to stop work on a Nodame wall to make this <3 I wanted to make the wall look like an old but well-loved illustration... not sure how well that came out, but that's my justification for some lazy elements in the wall haha xD;; Getting the colors right was tough, but making the thick outlines was a lot of fun. Usually I'm obsessed with tiny outlines so this was definitely a nice change.

Romeo and Juliet outlines vectored from this scan, then painted in PS with hard round brush + mouse. Acorn leaves stolen from this scan that I grabbed off of saikusa's photobucket account in the pre-monochrome scans days on MT. Textures from stock.XCHNG.

87. Classical, For the 100 Themes Project @ Instant Noodles.

And as always additional res can be found @ pixel ellipsis x]

Edit: Seems like people either really like the fade-out or really dislike it. Since it looks like the latter outnumbers the former I've extended Juliet's skirt out a bit more to improve the flow, but made Romeo's coat only a leetle longer as compromise. It'd be way too long if I extended it out all the way xD;; Much thanks to everyone who commented and critiqued :]

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  1. Saikusa Retired Moderator Sep 06, 2007

    I love the flourish and swirls in this, how you've managed to match different elements together and make it look like a classical illustration. If you hadn't mentioned it I would never have recognised the individual elements. And strangely (but as a personal opinion) I can't get over the artistic look to where the colour ends and sweeps so naturally onto the parchament background. Silly, aren't I...

  2. abul Sep 06, 2007

    it's so beautiful! and the colours are so great like saikusa said it looks like r&j ancient book illustration! amazing job, definitely faving ;)

  3. krisaiee Sep 06, 2007

    Hmm i think its really pretty!
    I love the colours you used, great wall!=p

  4. Chloe Retired Moderator Sep 06, 2007

    Fabulous use of colors and I love the swirly flowers! A simple background fits well for this type of wallie ;D

    Great job!

  5. k1ru Sep 06, 2007

    nothing but wubb for flyin xDD i really wubb the wallie, so yea xDDD

  6. adapt Sep 06, 2007

    WOW that is so pretty! It reminds me of an antique paper with a colored image stamped on top. I don't know how to describe it tbh. It is really really pretty!

  7. alterlier Sep 06, 2007

    classical indeed, lovely colors, they surely give a interesting old feeling to it, I'm not saying to much abouth the floral designs, but gotta admit it suits really good the whole wall, maybe I dont know if the windy edge on their clothes it's that great, at least it would be better for me without it, but it's not a detail that it's damaging or something the image, maybe I'll just end up liking it.

  8. moonescape Sep 06, 2007

    Whoa! Even I wanted to like vector it too. :o Soemthing about their pose is really wonderful so that's why. XD Wow! So the couples are really that good, guess I should give a shot of watching this series. Beside a lot of popular people have recently been making wallpapers form the series. :x

  9. saki-xan Sep 07, 2007

    Wow! I like so much your work! To achieved a good vector, but I see a few parts that the background fails them to paint ^^ it makes it see much better **

  10. DarthTofu Sep 07, 2007

    Yes, thick outlines are really fun. ^^
    This is really pretty. I like it.

  11. N9e1 Sep 07, 2007

    This is so pretty~~~ I'm glad you made a wallie out of this scan; the image on the DVD cover is so beautiful~
    Great job with the vector! I also love the simplicity~ And I think it does achieve the classic effect you wanted~ :D

  12. BlueAngel17 Sep 07, 2007

    wah! flyin i love this! ^^ i love wallpapers from these series *slaps it back on desktop* lovely! :D

  13. kaitouThea Sep 07, 2007

    I love the outlines and the colouring! Truly an amazing job!

    On the right side her dress 'fades' a little different than on the left side of the wall though...

    Love the colours! The red and the blue is simply amazing... <3 ^^

    Keep up the good work!

  14. MapleRose Retired Moderator Sep 07, 2007

    waaah pretty! I love RxJ, and I love that scan. The acorn leaf border works nicely with the vintage-ish look and colour :)

    I'm not sure if it's just me, but Juliet's eye looks a bit too slanted, and the left side of the V looks too long =S also, there are some uncoloured spots on her left sleeve and where the dress and sword meet. but I'm just nitpicking. Oh yeah, I'd like to see the shading on Juliet's dress a bit darker too, it's barely visible on my screen...

  15. pamkips Sep 07, 2007

    I love the thick outlines, the colors, just everything,
    I thought it was simple yet elegant :3

  16. royaldarkness Sep 08, 2007

    That's really beautiful :nya:
    It looks really sweet and romanctic :)

  17. himura088 Sep 08, 2007

    I like the colours you used!
    Though I haven't seen this anime, this wallpaper you made is really pretty!
    Thanks so much for it! :)

  18. Sodomites123 Sep 08, 2007

    your work is really good ,
    i like the color , its great

  19. norine07 Sep 08, 2007

    beautiful work of art, love the colours, texture and the way you portray the characters~ nicely done~ ^-^

  20. HiragiiKagami Sep 08, 2007

    I love it! It makes me want to draw it! Nice work

  21. eternallegend Sep 09, 2007

    i like the way they seem to blend into the background and the nice colours suit well :D the painting is done really well :) i like the nice concept and the way everything has been portrayed :D lovely wall ^^

  22. jinky Sep 13, 2007

    wow it's a nice wallpaper :) i like it :)

  23. Piccolobear Sep 14, 2007

    Love the extended fade-out ^_^ The subtle shading and combination of thin and chunky lines is pure <3, too.

  24. Blueheart Sep 21, 2007

    it's truly wonderful
    They look adorable

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