
Uruha Wallpaper: Uruha

Uruha, Vector Art Wallpaper
Uruha J-Pop Idol Vector Art Source

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Hello, I present you my newest wallpaper, this time with... tada! Uruha! From the GazettE, that is. I finally finished it after 1 week of hard working, the most difficult part of it all was the hair, goddamn that hair! The most pleasant part were the lips, I love those lips, I really think they're perfect. :) I am still trying to improve my vectoring skills, but I'm pleased with the result.

Please comment, I need feedback, fave if you really want to :D And if you like it, I'll make with the rest of the band.

Thank you for your attention.

PS. Uru-p0rn is TEH BEST!

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  1. DarthTofu Aug 23, 2007

    Wow, that hair definitely looks like a challenge. ^^ Great job on the vector.

  2. kiara-chan Aug 24, 2007

    URUHA THE BEST...I LOVE HIM...ohh...where am I...oh...now I got it...by the way you did a good job with the hair. Now I think you have no personal life...hehe.


  3. Sabbathiel Jan 15, 2008

    Amazing work! I dunno why it has olny so far few comments and favs! It is great! very good vector art. You should introduce it at vectory group or vector wallers!

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