
Kaleido Star Wallpaper: Jump in the stage!~

Gonzo, Kaleido Star, Sora Naegino Wallpaper
Gonzo Studio Kaleido Star Series Sora Naegino Character

1280x960 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Can you feel the power of Sora-chan's habilities? XD XD

This is my entry for kaleidostar-4-ever's contest, finally~ :D

I've been wanting to do something with this scan ( Free information magazine in Kaleido Star by ykishige966 ) for a looong time, but it happened that I didn't... until now. >:D

So, here I tried to bring all the feelings that Kaleido Star brings for anyone who has watched it: happiness, magical-ness, "the power"... >:D
If you haven't seen it yet, why to waste a minute more? XD

Sora wasn't vectored, she was semi-vectored... it's hard to explain. XD
But all the ribbons and balls and such were completely vectored. :)
The hardest part was her semi-transparent skirt... damn skirt. XD XD

This wallpaper is dedicated for Lum-chan! I'm really happy you liked KS, and as such, I want to spread more kaleido love!~ >u<''
Hope you'll like it~ :D >u<

Textures from DA!

After this, there's only one more contest wall, and then, right back for RCC, YOOOSH! *____*

Matta na~ >u<

arina-tanemura-fans kaleidostar-4-ever sisterprincess-fanclub
vector-wallers celestial-luminesse free--wallers

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  1. OrpheusTheBard Jul 29, 2007

    Woah, kawaii Izumi-chan! It's so colourful! Did you make the skirt yourself? I like it a lot. And all the ribbons and balls look really really good! +favourite! Yoku ganbatta na! ^_^

  2. miriambr Jul 29, 2007

    I loved this one! It's so colorful! I loved the happiness feeling you gave to it ^^ I like the simple background you made too!

    (commenting in english because mt don't usually like accents >.<)

  3. Kitaan Retired Moderator Jul 30, 2007

    Wow, very uplifting wallie!
    Beautiful colors, very happy and cute,
    fits Sora's style and personality great <3

    Very nice job, Love it :3

  4. pandemonium91 Retired Moderator Jul 30, 2007

    It is.. so beautiful... T_T
    You stole my idea >_< Joking, joking ^_^'
    Now I know I'm going to have some serious competition!
    I like everything about it. Simple as that. The colors, the background, Sora -they're all in perfect harmony! :) It's certainly worth the time you spent on it! (there was me, complaining about you not submitting it, while you had such a masterpiece in the making T_T I feel ashamed of myself...)
    Oh, and I see those curves on the ribbons are really smooth, good job! This is a little better than the last vector (that one was cute too, but I love this one more XD)
    Well, good luck in the contest, and I hope this will be added to the Elite Gallery soon, because it certainly deserves it!

  5. eternallegend Jul 30, 2007

    the simple yet effective background looks nice and i like how everything seems to tie together in a way that still seems to convey your concept XD the striking colours are bold and help add to the atmosphere of your wall :) the idea and the overall design is a nice and the composition is done well :D you did a nice job on the vectored parts :) nice wall ^^

  6. Lum-sann Jul 30, 2007

    Kawaii kyaumi! :D I'm feeling it I'm feeling it! KS POWER! XD
    The wallpaper looks so so sweet! ^_^ really gives that feeling that KS spreads the happiness! :D
    I love to see the effects that you made! And Sora looks really cute in the bg! :D
    I would love to make her acrobatics's but i would just break my leg or arm! XD The colors look perfect! :D I love to see your cheerful vectors! :D they really cheer me up! XD and with sora there it cheers me up even more! :D I like to see the soft texture, Oh the skirt looks really sweet! ^_^ semi-vectored XD
    And finally THANKS THANKS THANKS! T_T for the dedication! :D I really loved the wallpaper, makes me remember when i saw KS! >_< so great that feeling! :D Thanks a lot! :D
    And fav for my wallies Idol! :D

  7. jaderabbit Jul 31, 2007

    this is so sexy a new word must be created... sextastic :D awesome job.

  8. rika23 Aug 01, 2007

    i'm feeling falling XD lol!

  9. Lariel Aug 01, 2007

    *glmops* Izumi-chan, another great work from you! It seems as if she flying and dancing at the same time. Lol. ;)

  10. heatman Aug 02, 2007

    I love it, great wallpaper, nice design, and awesome background. great job IzumiChan

  11. enchantment Aug 07, 2007

    i love the abstractish background :D the design is really nice and the colours really make your wall stand out and is really lovely :) nice wall~^^

  12. nejika Aug 07, 2007

    Woaa...it's colorful! It's really match with the girl's expressions :) . [that reminds me of Ginban Kaleidoscope :D ]

  13. KiyanaIkebana Aug 10, 2007

    Kawaii! It's really very Beautiful!I love it!:)

  14. sailorchiron Aug 11, 2007

    Sora looks really cute here, and the the colors are awesome! Great work!

  15. norine07 Aug 12, 2007

    kawaii wall desu~ with all the vibrante colours love the design and concept and hee hee love the vectoring~ nicely done~ ^-^

  16. Gabriele Sep 21, 2007

    oh wow...I'm actually here...XDDD

    Heya! ;)

    Awesome wallpaper! You're so good at making them! :D

  17. CosmoStar Sep 23, 2007

    I come to like this so much!
    It's just too sad that I'm commenting on this sooo late!
    I love how it's colourful and cheerful. I like dhow you worked on the scan also! You extraceted it so well! ^^
    Congrats! It looks very sweet! *__*

  18. Electrastar Feb 17, 2008

    Very nice. I love how the shapes you created flow with the original picture of Sora. Everything is pulled quite nicely together.

  19. nicobar Dec 21, 2008

    nice posing
    so sweet

  20. Coconut11 Jan 10, 2010

    Even I hate pink you make me love them....this picture is really good...more power!

  21. WolfBooster Sep 02, 2010

    nice pic, thanks for sharing

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