Woah, kawaii Izumi-chan! It's so colourful! Did you make the skirt yourself? I like it a lot. And all the ribbons and balls look really really good! +favourite! Yoku ganbatta na! ^_^
Artist Comment
Can you feel the power of Sora-chan's habilities? XD XD
This is my entry for 's contest,
finally~ :D
I've been wanting to do something with this scan ( Free information magazine in Kaleido Star by ykishige966 ) for a looong time, but it happened that I didn't... until now. >:D
So, here I tried to bring all the feelings that Kaleido Star brings for anyone who has watched it: happiness,
magical-ness, "the power"... >:D
If you haven't seen it yet, why to waste a minute more? XD
Sora wasn't vectored, she was semi-vectored... it's hard to explain. XD
But all the ribbons and balls and such were completely vectored. :)
The hardest part was her semi-transparent skirt... damn skirt. XD XD
This wallpaper is dedicated for Lum-chan! I'm really
happy you liked KS, and as such, I want to spread more kaleido love!~ >u<''
Hope you'll like it~ :D >u<
Textures from DA!
After this, there's only one more contest wall, and then, right back for RCC, YOOOSH! *____*
Matta na~ >u<
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OrpheusTheBard Jul 29, 2007
miriambr Jul 29, 2007
I loved this one! It's so colorful! I loved the happiness feeling you gave to it ^^ I like the simple background you made too!
(commenting in english because mt don't usually like accents >.<)
Kitaan Retired Moderator Jul 30, 2007
Wow, very uplifting wallie!
Beautiful colors, very happy and cute,
fits Sora's style and personality great <3Very nice job, Love it :3
pandemonium91 Retired Moderator Jul 30, 2007
It is.. so beautiful... T_T
You stole my idea >_< Joking, joking ^_^'
Now I know I'm going to have some serious competition!
I like everything about it. Simple as that. The colors, the background, Sora -they're all in perfect harmony! :) It's certainly worth the time you spent on it! (there was me, complaining about you not submitting it, while you had such a masterpiece in the making T_T I feel ashamed of myself...)
Oh, and I see those curves on the ribbons are really smooth, good job! This is a little better than the last vector (that one was cute too, but I love this one more XD)
Well, good luck in the contest, and I hope this will be added to the Elite Gallery soon, because it certainly deserves it! -
eternallegend Jul 30, 2007
the simple yet effective background looks nice and i like how everything seems to tie together in a way that still seems to convey your concept XD the striking colours are bold and help add to the atmosphere of your wall :) the idea and the overall design is a nice and the composition is done well :D you did a nice job on the vectored parts :) nice wall ^^
Lum-sann Jul 30, 2007
Kawaii kyaumi! :D I'm feeling it I'm feeling it! KS POWER! XD
The wallpaper looks so so sweet! ^_^ really gives that feeling that KS spreads the happiness! :D
I love to see the effects that you made! And Sora looks really cute in the bg! :D
I would love to make her acrobatics's but i would just break my leg or arm! XD The colors look perfect! :D I love to see your cheerful vectors! :D they really cheer me up! XD and with sora there it cheers me up even more! :D I like to see the soft texture, Oh the skirt looks really sweet! ^_^ semi-vectored XD
And finally THANKS THANKS THANKS! T_T for the dedication! :D I really loved the wallpaper, makes me remember when i saw KS! >_< so great that feeling! :D Thanks a lot! :D
And fav for my wallies Idol! :D -
jaderabbit Jul 31, 2007
this is so sexy a new word must be created... sextastic :D awesome job.
rika23 Aug 01, 2007
i'm feeling falling XD lol!
Lariel Aug 01, 2007
*glmops* Izumi-chan, another great work from you! It seems as if she flying and dancing at the same time. Lol. ;)
heatman Aug 02, 2007
I love it, great wallpaper, nice design, and awesome background. great job IzumiChan
enchantment Aug 07, 2007
i love the abstractish background :D the design is really nice and the colours really make your wall stand out and is really lovely :) nice wall~^^
nejika Aug 07, 2007
Woaa...it's colorful! It's really match with the girl's expressions :) . [that reminds me of Ginban Kaleidoscope :D ]
KiyanaIkebana Aug 10, 2007
Kawaii! It's really very Beautiful!I love it!:)
sailorchiron Aug 11, 2007
Sora looks really cute here, and the the colors are awesome! Great work!
norine07 Aug 12, 2007
kawaii wall desu~ with all the vibrante colours love the design and concept and hee hee love the vectoring~ nicely done~ ^-^
Gabriele Sep 21, 2007
oh wow...I'm actually here...XDDD
Heya! ;)
Awesome wallpaper! You're so good at making them! :D
CosmoStar Sep 23, 2007
I come to like this so much!
It's just too sad that I'm commenting on this sooo late!
I love how it's colourful and cheerful. I like dhow you worked on the scan also! You extraceted it so well! ^^
Congrats! It looks very sweet! *__* -
Electrastar Feb 17, 2008
Very nice. I love how the shapes you created flow with the original picture of Sora. Everything is pulled quite nicely together.
nicobar Dec 21, 2008
nice posing
so sweet -
Coconut11 Jan 10, 2010
Even I hate pink you make me love them....this picture is really good...more power!
WolfBooster Sep 02, 2010
nice pic, thanks for sharing
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